Page 31 of Fireworks

Pulling my clothing on, I didn’t look forward to having to spend the afternoon playing video games with Asher. The thought crossed my mind a few times I could lie and tell him my mom needed me to do a few things around the house, but knowing him, he would want to tag along.

“You have to come down and see my place, man. It is amazing.”

Asher was not only in love with his new bachelor pad, but his job was much more stimulating than he had expected it to be.

“Maybe spring break I can come down. You remember how intense school was? I barely remember to eat some days, never mind taking a vacation down to Texas.”

“You are missing out, man, I’m telling you. The girls down there, that alone should be an incentive to go.”

He rolled his eyes in his usual manner when he was gloating over some girl he had seen or hooked up with. I nodded, not sure what he expected me to say. It had been months since I had been with anyone and the only person I had been with there was no way in hell that I would ever tell him about it.

“So, what about your new place? How many girls have helped you christened the entire place?”

He nudged my arm suggestively, moving his eyebrows. Yes, while we were in school together, there had been plenty of nights I kicked him out of our place while I spent some personal time with a girl I had met at a party or at the bar. That just wasn’t me anymore. I had grown up. Or at least that’s what I kept telling myself.

“You know how it is. I don’t need to tell you.”

Smirking, I did my best to pretend I had been with dozens of girls. His nod back to me confirmed he bought it.