Page 66 of Seduced By 3


It takes about forty-five seconds for me to decide Stefan can make even the worst frat boy look innocent. There’s something in his eyes that reminds me of a hyena, one that nips the heels of the bigger predators and bullies cheetahs into getting an easy meal.

And considering how he’s looking at me and ignoring his date, I feel like the meal he’s after. Unfortunately for him, not even all three of my men can keep me down andnoneof them got me on their terms.

“Such a shame they’ve been hiding you, Piccola.” He looks me over again, eyes catching on my tits. “We could have had so much fun.”

I stroke over Hunter’s thigh, leaning back against him. “Hiding me? No. They’ve been keeping up.”

Stefan glances at the brothers then. Hunter offers me my drink and I wrap my lips around the straw while meeting Stefan’s eyes and looking away.Be demure, Valerie. Keep him guessing and wondering. Let him open.

“You? Such a sweet little thing?”

“I’m sure your date is so much sweeter,” I assure him, I offer her my hand. “I’m Val.”

“Tonya.” She says tersely, but then her eyes flick to Hunter enviously. She thinks she can use Stefan to get to the real big fishies, doesn’t she? “Interesting that you managed to snare two serial bachelors.”

“Tonight’s all about fun, don’t go interviewing me.” I giggle.

She blinks a few times. “How did you know I’m a reporter?”

“I can read minds.” I take another long drink, hollowing my cheeks. I catch Stefan rub his hand over his bottom lip as he watches me, but I’m ignoring him for now. He’ll come out swinging with something to prove. “It’s a great party trick.”

“It must be. Shame you won’t answerbasicquestions. Almost like you have something to hide.”

“I just like my privacy. I’m not a fan of letting everyone know me. That’s a … rare thing.”

“Very,” Hunter says, rubbing my side.

His touch is a good thing. It’s light and gentle. I’m doing well. I turn my eyes back to Stefan. It’s so hard not putting my heel on his dick, standing up, and squishing him back down to size. Fucker wouldn’t bother my men anymore if it’s trying to fixthatproblem. I can even imagine how easy it would be. By the time Hunter realizes what’s going on, it’ll be done.

“You have a lovely look in your eye.”

“Do I?”

“I can see why you have Hunter and Chase wrapped around your finger. What’s it like to be shared?”

“Why? Want to share your sweet Tonya with someone? Or are you looking for a unicorn to join the party for the night?” I tease. “I’m sure you can find what you’re looking for here.”

My eyes flick to Tonya again. I don’t want her recording anything. I don’t want to be on a magazine. Chase clears his throat. “Tonya, you don’t have a drink, why don’t we fix that.”

“But …”

“Go on, amore,” Stefan bids.

Hunter says something to his brother and they nod. I relax another fraction. I’m not here alone fending off unwanted advances. Hunter won’t let it go too far. He’s the most possessive of the bunch.

“Perhaps we should talk business,” Hunter suggests. “Bring up that truce again.”

“How can we focus on that when we have this beautiful woman here?” Stefan brushes a single finger over my arm and my skin crawls. My men don’t know that I stashed a knife in a garter around my thigh. Easy access for me.

But he’s distracted and I have a job to do. So I pout, trying to make him be the hero, to keep him pliable. “But Stefan, I’m so curious about all this. Hunter’s told me how hard you’re working to make the world a better place and I’m dying to know.”

“I don’t share secrets like that.”

“I want to knowwhy.” I lean towards him, my fingers stroking his knee. “A man as powerful as you could have anything, doanything. It fascinates me when a man like you chooses the good route.”

“I never said I did, piccola,” He says with a wicked smile. “Being bad is more fun.”