Page 55 of Seduced By 3

“Nope,” Chase promises, pushing her messy hair from her face. “And you deserve a reward for passing another class. Come get it.”

She wraps her mouth around his cock and we share her on the table. Tonight, everything’s about her. We make her come again and again. When Chase and I finish, him down her throat, and me deep inside her, we sigh. Valerie laughs.

“You three are a good incentive for passing.”

Chase and I wash her down in the shower and we cuddle her between us on the couch. She lays on me with Chase’s head on her chest. She rubs my thigh and his head at the same time. I kiss the top of her head.

Despite how calm she is right now, I know she’s going to start pushing for freedom tomorrow. No school or exams to keep her distracted. Only work and us. That’s not nearly enough to occupy her mind.

We fall asleep together, but Hunter wakes us up around eleven. He smiles as Chase grumbles and snuggles closer against Valerie. Hunter takes a picture and sends it to his brother. Chase opens his eyes and looks at Hunter.

“What? Can the bullshit wait?”

“Apparently, not. We’re having a non-negotiable meeting today. Go get ready. I’ll explain things to Valerie.”

Chase and I carefully untangle ourselves. I hear Valerie complain, but Hunter takes care of her. As if it’s going to do a damn thing. Valerie’s obedience is completely based on her getting what she wants. She’s ambitious, determined, and nothing stands in her way.

It’s part of why I’m so entranced by her.

But I know, without question, that today is the day she leaves. Simply because she can. I make sure the alarms at the mansion trigger my phone and nothing else, just like the safe house. She’s going to prove herself and I’m almost curious to see her do it.


Ilisten to Hunter telling me to stay, assuring me that it’s a meeting and they won’t be in any danger, that nothing bad is going to happen to them, and nod along, like I believe him. Then I get through a shower, brush my hair, straighten it like I never do, do some lethal looking makeup with natural reds and peaches, not to mention black, and put on a cute red dress that doesn’t hide my curves or make the effort to show them off and cuts off at just above my knees. Putting on heels, I make sure the guys leave and grin.

I put a taser and the pepper spray that Lief tried to keep out of my reach in my purse. Not to mention the knife I’ve been practicing with. A few rings on my fingers and I’m good to go. I don’t have my car, but once I get to the main road and walk a block, I order an Uber.

The ‘mansion turned business’ for the Volkov family isn’t hard to find. And it’s easier to walk in when I flash a seductive smile to the guard and flirt just a little.

“I just don’t want to be late. You know how these guys are if they’re not pleased when they want to be.” I say while fixing my lipstick in his sunglasses. Then I look at myself, adjust my top, flashing some cleavage, and adjust my hair a little. “Do you think I should put it up in a ponytail now or wait until I’m on my knees?”

His throat bobs as he swallows and he lets me in. I blow him a kiss and roll my eyes as I get to the door. Men are so easy.

I don’t even bother to knock. I walk in, ready to find my men and drag them back home, maybe putting leashes on them so they stay in onefuckingplace at a time. But I hear some laughter, smell cigarette smoke and … weed?

Blinking, I turn to the left and see a huge study with four tables of women. They look up to me in surprise. I followed my guys to make sure they weren’t being dumb or impulsive or dealing with Stefan, but instead, I find a whole group of women ranging from twenty to fifty plus playing poker?

One of the women gets up and looks me over. “Are you the newest toy for the house? Leave my husband alone. Understand?”

“Oh, I-”

“Not that I care, but trust me, you can do better than a two-minute lay.” She cackles and takes my hand. “Come on, honey. They’re all in a meeting, join us.”

I sit next to her and I’m dealt into a hand of poker. I look between them and see engagement rings on plenty of fingers. Some are dressed casually, others formally, but they all have a dangerous cut to their eyes.

“Um, hi,” I manage to get out.

“So, who are you here for?” A blonde says, her face barely moving under the Botox.

“Is that okay to talk about?”

“You’re just a baby.” Another woman pats my cheek. “Must be dating that adorable new security boy. Surprised he’s bringing you around already.”

The woman who pulled me over here, thick Russian accent making her scary as hell, snorts. “Nah, she’s too good for him, and she’d probably tell us if you’d shut it, Vera.”

“I’m no one. Just a friend of Chase and Hunter.”

“Oh sure, just friends.”