Page 49 of Seduced By 3

“Maybe.” She rubs over my abs. “Tristan asked about you guys too. We have a running … thing where once I fuck someone, he gets to know their name so he can beat them up if need be, but I think it’s different with you three.”

“We tend to do the beatings.”

“Yeah, but I don’t even know if we’re serious. I know we’re exclusive. You guys don’t have the time to fuck multiple women at once, especially when you’re all spoiling me.”

I run my fingers over her arm, pulling her hand up to my face. I know that if she was suddenly gone, I’d be upset. I know that I want her here every night. If that’s not serious, I don’t know what is. She’s the first person I’ve ever been willing to go to war over, the only person who would give me hell if I did.

“We’re serious, I think. Do you want a title?”

She rolls her eyes. “Not the point of the conversation.”

“I consider you my girlfriend.” And damn it feels good to say it. “Even if I’m sharing you.”

“You say, while not jealous or frustrated.”

“I’ll handle my jealousy,” I promise, tipping her chin up to kiss her. “And I’ll handle you at the same time.”

She laughs and runs her nose over mine, just touching me gently. “Let’s wait until the guys get back. You may see a less civilized side to me and want to change your mind.”

“Impossible.” I’d love to watch her kick someone’s ass, it might make me fall for her even harder.


Chase’s cuddles are so damn relaxing, that I can’t help but fall asleep. In the morning, I hear yelling, in Russian of course, which makes me huff. It’s Saturday! There should be a rule against yelling in Russian on weekends.

I grab a silky robe I find and head downstairs. When I get down there, Chase and Hunter are arguing while Lief drinks in the kitchen. Day drinking. Obviously agreatsign. I see Hunter has a bad bruise on his face and when he takes off his suit jacket, I see a stitched-up wound on his shoulder.

Oh, fuck no.

I storm over to them, gently push Chase to the side and look at Hunter’s shoulder. I stroke under it, then jerk his chin down to look at his face. He sighs. “It’s fine, dorogaya.”

“Who?” I demand.

Chase rubs my hips, trying to pull me back. “This is a part of our life, Valerie.”

“Fuck that. Who hit you?”

“Stefan,” Hunter says, looking away with a face I don’t recognize. I almost think he’s blushing. “He got his own bruises.”

“Yeah, well, I’m going to kick him in the balls. And only his balls because his dick is too small for me to find with a microscope let alone my foot. He hurt you!”

Hunter takes my wrists and kisses my palms with a warm look in his eyes. Violence makes him all gooey. “And I’m alive.”

“Doesn’t change it. He hurt you, it offends me. I’m doing something about it.”

“Not loving the rugged, fresh from a fight look?” Hunter asks.

I narrow my eyes.

Lief says something in Russian which Hunter answers without looking away from me. “You’re making me feel like I’m the favorite.”

“Sit down on that couch before I punish you for fighting,” I grumble.

He sits, his good arm behind his head. I walk to the kitchen and find Lief is injured too. A bad bruise to his jaw, and his wrist is all red and cut up. I point at him. “Shirt. Off.”

“Little viper.” He tries to calm me.

“Now!” I order.