Page 32 of Seduced By 3

“Fuck,” I hiss.

“And he’s steadily putting pieces together, though I’m not sure how. I’ve been careful with her, only taking her to private areas,” Hunter growls.

“We need her to look over some footage, but the second she does …”

“She’ll be honest,” I say quickly. “Unless it would-”

“We already have the safe house ready,” Hunter cuts me off. “And I learned that her school does have an online option considering things that can happen and Lief could easily make a case.”

“She’ll kill us,” I say, sure of it.

“Keep it in mind,” Hunter advises. “Safety over comfort. Always.”

And there goes the weekend high.


I’m still riding the high of my date with Chase on Sunday. We talked about so much. Sure there was that serious conversation that I know isn’t going anywhere because jealousy really is a fucking monster, but we can work on it.

And I was clear. I didn’t hide that I like Hunter and Lief too. And when I said it, admitted it, it felt right and honest. Sure, there are problems and Iwishthey weren’t in the business they’re in, but if I knew everyone’s secrets, I probably wouldn’t want to be withanyone.

Knowing that makes me feel a little better at least.

Just like reminding myself that Sophie has four men. She’s doing fine. Sure, there are whispers, but she married them all and they’re happy and functional. Which means there’s a possible future for me and my own men.

My phone rings, making me jump. Of course, my brother. I blink at it a few times and slowly pick up. “Tristan?”

“Someone’s been quiet,” He grumbles. “What are you up to, kiddo?”

“I’m not a kid!” I huff. “I’m living my life, getting through school, working.”

“Wait, you’re an adult? Are you sure?”

“I know you were at the wedding reception. Which means you’re fully aware I’m a whole ass adult.” I remember dancing with all three of my men, getting hotter and hotter.

“Oh, I haven’t forgotten. You’re supposed to be innocent as far as I’m concerned.” He chuckles. “I just want to check in on my little sister, even if you are a little pain in the ass.”

But there’s something in his voice. I don’t need to see my brother’s face to know that he’s nervous. I narrow my eyes. “Stop with the small talk. What are you about to tell me?”

“Mom left dad.” He says finally, pauses a beat, then clears his throat. “She’s living with me right now and asked about you.”

“How great,” I grumble.

“Valerie, you know how hard it is to leave a relationship like that. I’m not asking you to visit or anything either. I just … Just wanted to let you know.”

“You killed my whole weekend.” I sit down. “Reminding me of that mess.”

“It’s been ten years since you left them. She just wants to make sure you’re okay. And I do too. Radio silence for a month. How are you?”

I think of the amazing date I had yesterday, think of being taken hostage and nearly killed, then getting the upper hand with mind games. I think of all the locks on the doors. I think of my best friend bursting with a baby. I think of my three delicious men and budding career.

“I’m better than ever.”

He sighs. “Well, if you want to come by or something, just let me know.”

“Will do.”

“Also ….” Tristan starts. I rub my forehead. I don’t want to lose the rest of my weekend to whatever he’s about to throw on my shoulders. “How are those three unnamed men? Any of them meet the requirements for you when it comes to a relationship?”