Page 71 of Seduced By 3

Valerie leans her head to the side. “Do you say that because it’s easier to believe or because of your experience?”

I clap my hand over her mouth. Her games won’t work well, not when she’s being so obvious. Valerie licks my palm, still at ease. The fact that she’s so relaxed says plenty. She trusts us to keep her safe, to put her first, even with a terrible man.

Mr. Volkov growls and takes a step forward. “Remember your place. You may be my sons’ whore, but you have no place in their life. You’re simply another money-hungry woman eager for adventure,Valerie.”

Her eyes narrow and I feel her grope my side. I grab her hand. We’re going to have to keep her restrained to calm her temper. She’s too willing to speak up for herself. Especially considering I’m counting the seconds until Hunter does it.

“She is not a whore!” Hunter snarls. “She is our girlfriend. Think what you want, but watch your tongue around her, or you’ll have more than us to deal with.”

“Natalia and Vera areveryfond of her,” Chase says, picking at his nails.

Mr. Volkov hisses. “Unless you have something important to say, keep your mouths shut.”

Valerie grumbles against my palm. I nod to him.

“Do not bother me. I call the meetings. Until you take your place properly, Hunter, remember that.”

He walks out and I shut the door. I pull Valerie close to me and kiss her softly. “Watch your tongue. I like it. I’d rather you keep it.”

“You’d never let him put a hand on me.” She strokes over the skin of my chest. How many buttons has she managed to undo?

“Sven told me something. That he’s not sure if a son was his, that he loved the wrong woman, that he was debating between allegiance to Mr. Volkov or his love. Think there’s a connection with Stefan?”

Stefan does have surprisingly light eyes and even if his skin is tan, he could simply be going to a salon to do that. I did notice Sven speaking Italian more than once but assumed it was him translating intel.

I rub my jaw and glance at Hunter.

“This is a larger issue than anticipated.”


Once we get home, I’m exhausted. The restraint, the back and forth, my mind is as tired as my body. I just want to float. So I strip down to my bra and underwear and slide into the pool, laying on my back. Lief, Chase, and Hunter argue about something, but they’ve been spotty with their English since we got in the car.

I’ll have to start taking Russian classes. Maybe it would be better if they didn’t know so then they’ll still talk openly around me and I can get more information. But if they trust me, why wouldn’t they want to include me?

Groaning, I dive under the water, sit at the bottom until my lungs scream, then pop back up. I don’t understand them. Not always. If someone asked me what Hunter wanted for Christmas, I could easily say books and list the ones he’s curious about. If someone asked what Chase is like, I could answer honestly and easily. Even if someone asked me how Lief was feeling, I could read the subtle signs on his face and give a pretty accurate reading unless he’s purposefully trying to hide from me.

And I know they trust me because they introduced me to Stefan and didn’t immediately attack when I grabbed him. But this refusal to include me in their plans or whatever I don’t understand is frustrating.

I swim to the edge of the pool and lay my arms on the deck, watching my men. Chase glances around, I see him panic slightly and Lief points to the pool. Chase walks out and sits in one of the lounge chairs.

“Baby doll ….”

“Are we equals in our relationship?” I ask Chase.

Chase motions to the guys and they all come out. I ask the question again and wait patiently for the answer. It’s important to me. They may make my heart dizzy, and overwhelm me with their raw sex appeal and the intensity of their emotions – when they voice them, but if we’re not equal, I can’t last in this.

I won’t be my mother. I won’t fight them daily to maintain a balance between us.

“Yes,” Lief says simply.

“Then why are you shutting me out with Russian?”

“It feels more natural to use when it comes to business,” Hunter answers.

“You either want me involved in the business or you don’t. My career is on the line just by being with you guys, especially while I’m treating Hunter and Chase. We share everything or we share nothing. There’s no room for gray area anymore.”

Lief takes off his shirt, shucks his pants, and slides into the water beside me. He rubs my sides. “We are debating things, but aren’t sure about exactly what to do next or how to confirm the suspicion that Stefan is, or was believed to be, Sven’s son.”