Page 38 of Seduced By 3

“You can choose what we do … within reason,” I say.

I know that I’m likely digging us into a hole. I’m leaning into the curve so to speak. But I know Hunter. At the first sign of an issue, he’s going to drag her away. It’s just a matter of time at this point.

Valerie nuzzles my neck, then makes me sit up. I expect her to push me out of the house at this point, but she slides behind me and massages my shoulders while guiding me back. She sighs. “I like pampering you.”

I rub her thighs and she kisses the back of my neck. “And I like that you let me.”

I welcome her rubbing out the knots in my shoulders before an annoying question worms it’s way into my head.

How long will our relationship last this time?


Leif gently kisses me before he leaves. But I maintain that him getting dressed is a sin. I groan, “You shouldn’t be allowed to own shirts.”

He chuckles and strokes through my now dry hair. “Enjoy school tomorrow.”

“Not as much as I enjoy you,” I pout.

I’m sure Lief locks the door so I just pass out. But in the morning, my alarm jerks me back into the normal world. I get through my classes, go to work and power through without any issues, then head home.

I think I see something flash, but then a girl tosses her hair over her shoulder and takes another picture with her boyfriend. I wonder if that’s something I’ll be able to do. But then again, we haven’t even had the ‘boyfriend/ are we exclusive’ conversation. Is that my job to start that?

Rubbing the back of my neck, I head upstairs and start a group chat with the guys. Why not. It’ll save time.

VALERIE: So, group date night?

LIEF: Where to?

HUNTER: When did we agree to this?

CHASE: So pumped!

I think of what I mentioned about ski ball and suggest a place off the beaten path. A silly arcade/ gaming place that has so many options that we can find whatever we want to do. Ski-ball, basketball games, VR, laser tag, go-carts, and actual arcade games. It’ll be perfect.

They all agree and tell me to get ready.

I pull on leggings and a crop top, throwing my hair up in a ponytail before doing my makeup. I pull on sneakers and grab my purse. Heading outside, I join my guys. Hunter winks at me from the front seat and Chase sits beside me. He slings his arm over my shoulder as we drive.

We end up having an amazing night. Truly amazing. Lief kicks ass at air hockey and the arcade games. Hunter destroys in laser tag, and Chase … I swear, there’s nothing hecan’twin from a claw machine including my heart.

When we finally take a break by getting some drinks at the bar and just sitting together, I have at least six stuffed animals around me. Hunter looks me over and groans. “Do you know what those leggings are doing to my fantasies?”

“No idea, I think you’re going to have to use your words,” I tease.

He licks across his bottom lip. “The things I’m going to do to you later.”

“Sounds like a promise,” I flirt shamelessly.

Lief rubs my thigh and I know I’m ready to go just like that. With his subtle smile, I wonder if I’m going to get more than one of them tonight. Chase kisses my cheek before sitting down next to me. He rubs my lower back and I feel a buzz slip over my skin.

“We’re supposed to be having a date,” Chase says with a smile.

“Oh, something happening over there?” Hunter teases. “Or are you holding out until we have your office to ourselves again?”

“We don’t bring that up in public,” I hiss at him. “It could get me fired.”

“We can’t have that. Imagine how far we’d regress,” Hunter says. “Chase and I would be hopeless and with only one woman to focus on … can you imagine?”