Page 24 of Seduced By 3

“You can be a man and still enjoy things,” I assure him. “Let me see the real Chase, not the one your dad would approve of. Then later, you can show me everything a man should show a woman.”

He groans and grabs my ass, not caring that there are kids around. We have a good time at the aquarium. Before we leave, we go to the gift shop, because of course there’s a gift shop. I see my earrings and shake my head to myself.

Chase shows me a necklace with a pearl nestled into a shell. It’s beautiful. I touch it delicately as he holds it in front of me. “Wow.”

“It’s yours.” He puts it behind my neck and takes my hand. “Ready for dinner?”

“I have to get you something!” I insist. “Do you want a stingray plush? Something to hold onto when we’re not in the same bed?”

“Don’t tempt me with a good time.”

I beam and get the biggest one, paying for it even when he complains. I stand on my toes to tap his nose. “We’re going to spoil each other, Chase. Let me do this for you.”

He keeps an even face until we’re in the car. I keep offering to hold the stingray if he doesn’t want it, but he won’t let it go. I bite my lip and kiss his cheek. “You’re cuter than the stingray.”

“I’m going to fuck you senseless after dinner.”

I laugh and kiss him again. “You better.”


My foot taps as my father goes on and on about how I should meet with Stefan just to make sure he stays in line. I’m not exactly motivated to do that. I don’t want to stir the pot and my brain isn’t focused on the family business. Not when Chase is getting to enjoy Valerie today. And I absolutely want to have her for as long as he gets her.

He gets her most of today and overnight considering I know he had the private jet readied. My pen keeps tracing the same little drawing of a plane over and over again. Lief rubs over his jaw as he looks at me and I catch an edge of frustration in the way he holds himself.

We’re both eager to have Valerie back where we can get our hands on her.

At least I’m not alone.

“Everyone out but Lief and Hunter. Now,” My father orders.

They file out, shutting the door hard. My father turns to me. “I assumed counseling would clear your mind and help you focus.”

“It is helping,” I defend.

“Really? Because it seems like you’ve been more distracted, all three of you have been! Explain.”

Lief just picks at his nails, bored as ever.

“I know something is going on. Just because it’s quiet in our world right now, doesn’t mean it will stay quiet. Take care of your distractions before …” He shifts uncomfortably. “Before they ruin you.”

“Father, it’s nothing to concern yourself with.”

“Really? Because distractions lead to death. Leif, how many times have you used distraction to get someone?”

“Often,” Lief answers simply. “But that is my job.”

“Hunter, your job is staying focused. One day you are going to inherit all of this and I want to be sure you can do it without losing your head. I want to be sure you and Chase are safe.”

“Not comfortable,” I finish for him.

He narrows his eyes. “So tell me again, what’s distracting you?”

My eyes flick to Lief and our gaze meets. It holds for a second too long considering I see the ‘no’ in the ever so subtle downturn of his lips, then my father jumps in.

“You’re both distracted by the same thing, aren’t you? And Chase as well. Is it a person?” Father folds his hands on the table.

It’s a trap to look unthreatening, but I know better. He’s not getting anything out of me. Lief won’t give if I don’t. Not where Valerie is involved. After another ten minutes, my father gives up.