Page 14 of Seduced By 3

“I’d like to take you out.” It still comes out frustrated.

“Because Hunter got a date or because you actually want to spend time with me?”

“Both.” I try to be honest.

“I’m not a bargaining chip or some kind of prize.” Her arms drop from around me and so do her legs. Despite the fact it’s spring, I feel like I’m freezing now. “If you want me for me, I’m happy to spend time with you. If it’s to one-up your brother, I’m not interested. Both doesn’t work here.”

“You wanted honesty.”

“And now I’m telling you that I’m not the ‘win’ of some sibling rivalry and if that’s where things are headed, I won’t be a part of this. I don’t like ultimatums, but … there it is I guess.”

Turning around, I rub over her thighs, all the way up to her shorts. She bites her lip, doesn’t push me away, just watches. “I want to be with you, Valerie. I like our time together, not just the sex. I told you that before.”

“You still feel that. After everything?”


Valerie lifts my chin, and kisses me, it’s soft, gentle, barely more than a peck, but it soothes half the frustration I feel. I kiss her back, pulling her closer to me and she moans as she strokes through my hair. I pull her off the wall so it’s easier to hold her, feel her, and lose myself in her.

Just as I push her dark hair back to kiss her again, I hear feet and then cameras. “Fuck.”

Valerie looks over as paparazzi descend. I cover her face with her backpack as I turn her around, then run with her until we get to my car. She gets in the passenger seat without question and doesn’t comment on my driving as I get us as far from them as possible.

She keeps looking over her shoulder, but I see frustration and fear in her eyes.

Pulling into some nature preserve, I reach across the console and pull her onto my lap. “Take a breath.”

“We’re going to be in a tabloid. Online. They’ll be able to find me if they have a picture of my face. My headshot is on the counseling website with my name.” She starts panicking just like that.

I take her hand and squeeze it. “I’m very good at internet shit. I can take it down the moment I notice it.”

“I said from the beginning I didn’t want to be in tabloids.”

“I know.”

“And I didn’t want to be taken.”

“Baby doll, I’m sorry.”

She meets my eyes and I hug her tightly. After the first few seconds, she hugs me back, burying her face in my neck. This is why we didn’t follow her to school. Of course, I remember now.

After a full song of hugging, she draws back, wiping at her eyes. “I’m not angry.”

“You could be angry with me. It was stupid to go to your school.”

“I’m not. I’m frustrated with the situation. It’s different.” She massages my neck and down my shoulders. “Relax for me, Chase.”

I exhale slowly and she nods. “I’ll go out with you to be withyou. But no more paparazzi adventures. No more jealousy. There’s three of you and only one of me. I’m one person.”

“I’ll work on it.” Then I smile. “In therapy.”

“Damn, I’m there too, aren’t I?”

“Get used to seeing us one way or another. We’re going to be checking in, checking on you, I might even show up as a handyman.”

She laughs and shakes her head. “You’re incorrigible.”

“I know that you chose us and not this lifestyle.”