“I’ll definitely come,” I say. “This whole thing was called because of what happened with me last week. I want the answers straight from the horse’s mouth.”

“Can’t,” Linc shakes his head. “Got an out-of-town tracking gig. I’ll be leaving from here, but let me know if you need anything. I should be back tomorrow morning, maybe even tonight if the gig’s easy and sounds like it will be.”

“So you’re in?” Riley turns to me.

“I’m in. But I don’t want it undone if it’s unsanctioned. I’m sure Tyson doesn’t either,” I say.

“Of course not,” Riley says. “And witches aren’t likely to undo something they did. But we’ll get some answers. Make sure nothing else is going on we might need to know about. And make sure that if your woman or Ty’s gets the chance, they don’t get anywhere on their quest.”

“Good point. By the way, I think Amelia and Ivy have Fae blood somewhere in their lineage,” I say. “You guys notice their eyes? Ivy’s especially.”

“Fae? Could also be vamp,” Riley puts in.

“Doubt it,” Linc says. “Their scent? More likely it’s fairy than bloodsucker. Though probably not for generations. We’d all smell it immediately if not.”

Lincoln has the strongest nose of anyone I know. I trust his instinct.

“I’ll have to figure out what to do with Amelia while I’m gone. Maybe I’ll have my parents come over. No way can she be left alone yet.”

“Why’s that?” Lincoln asks.

“She’ll try to leave. Call the cops. Do something reckless. Burn my house down.” I shrug.

“Sounds like she’s safest in your bed with you inside her,” Linc offers.

I smile wide. “Damn straight.”

Riley laughs.

“You want some cuffs?” Linc offers.

I laugh. “I might take you up on that.”

He grins. “Say the word. I’ve got plenty of implements I can lend to help the cause.”

“Too much information. But thanks all the same. Though, unfortunately, since I’m exhausted and since she’s right now choosing to sleep with her mother, I’m gonna go crash on the couch upstairs for a few hours.”

Riley and Linc both laugh.

“Playin’ hard to get,” Linc says. “That can be fun.”

I wiggle my brows. “It is.”

“You’ll fix ‘er up,” Riley assures, giving my back a slap.

“I sure will,” I vow.



I’m beside my mom, staring at the ceiling, and I’m deep in thought about all this. All this… craziness.

It’s beyond crazy that we’re even here, sleeping in the apartment of strangers. Normally, I’d find this all to be dangerous. I know I’m not in danger. Not physically, anyhow. My heart, however…

The curtains are drawn, but morning light seeps through anyways and despite how tired I am, I’m having trouble quieting my brain.

My sister is downstairs with her shapeshifter. And she’s repeatedly been in peril with him. That makes me angry. Not only did she get bit by a snake, not only did she have a severe allergic reaction to her birth control pill because of his world that she got thrust into, but also… she clearly tried to leave and got brought back and if that hadn’t happened, maybe this dangerous fever wouldn’t have happened.

What else lies ahead for us? Is there going to be an easy way to get out of this?

And why am I the only one out of the Brennan women seeing sense right now? The way Ivy gave him googly eyes and snuggles was concerning.

A little while ago, Mom and I had a short conversation when we got behind closed doors that shows me Mom doesn’t care a lick that witchcraft is a factor here.

“He’s cute, Amie. Really cute. They both are,” she said.


“Your guy and Ivy’s guy.”

“Cute? Those men are not cute.” I dropped my voice an octave. “Sex on a stick with a side order of orgasms, maybe, but cute?”

Mom’s eyes lit up as she reached for me. “Where’s your neck clit? Let me see it.”

“Don’t touch it. Ew!” I shrank away.

She laughed with glee, getting in my space so she could get a look.

I pointed to my neck. “Do not touch it. Just look. Bite marks.”

She reached anyway.

“No touchy touchy!” I exclaimed.

Mom laughed harder. “A biter, huh? Yummy. So, does it really feel like a… love button?”

“You did not just say love button.”

“Fine. Clit. Does it feel like a cl-”

“Ew! Do not keep saying clit to me, Mom. I don’t know what’s worse.”

She laughed harder.

I was half-giggling while I loudly shushed her. “Mason has crazy-strong hearing. It just looks like he bit me, which he did. Animal that he is…”

I could swear her eyes dilated at that point. And I was thinking, yuck – my mom likes sexy biting. Info I did not need.

Mom, Ivy, and I have always talked openly about sex. But that didn’t mean I wanted to discuss this with her. Or gain any insight into her kinks. And it’s always been my go-to to act grossed out when we do veer into sexual territory.