Is this hurting the bonding process? Are these interruptions part of the reason she’s so conflicted?

I suspect that more than that, it’s how she’s been conditioned. Putting herself last. Worrying about everything and everyone else. She’s a nurse. The older sister. She’s a nurturer.

Leaning back, I smooth her dark, wavy hair away from her face and study her. She looks angelic while she sleeps. Fair skin. Dark hair. Long lashes. Pink lips. I caress her tiny earlobe with two holes in it and then my fingertip skates up to another piercing high up on the ridge of her ear. My fingertips trail back down to the mark on her creamy throat. Her reaction makes my chest fill with emotion; she’s burrowing into my chest with a sweet little sigh.

I didn’t like that she got upset earlier, but I loved how I was able to comfort her and don’t think I’ll ever forget how good it felt when she grabbed onto my cock with urgency and shoved it inside herself like she owned it. She does own it. She was claiming it as hers after another woman showed up. And then the way she rode me with that look in her beautiful eyes … the wild look of sheer possessiveness? She’d deny she was possessive, but that’s what it felt like. A woman shows up here and my Amie’s reaction is to slam down onto my cock? Fuck, yeah.

My guess? When she saw Renee, she felt feelings she wasn’t able to decode, and her instinct was to claim my cock. And then she promptly passed out, holding me tight.

This feels so fucking right. The way she melds into me and calms with my purrs, with my embrace?

We’re not where I want us, but we’ll get there once she has a chance to catch up with all that’s happening. She’s got her human logic filter blocking reality. Even if she says she wasn’t a supernatural skeptic, thinking things and getting confirmation are two different things.

It’ll all seep through. I can be patient with her. It’s still our first day together, and I’ll be very unhappy if there are any further interruptions.

I’m still pissed about that Renee situation. She should not have been here. She could’ve mailed my chain and watch to my pack’s general address. Or left it with Cicely at the general store if she felt she needed to do it in person. It crossed my mind the night of the dance that I must’ve left them in that motel, and I considered them lost.

Every shifter around these parts knows enough about our pack to know there are only shifters in Arcana Falls, thereby meaning our post office is run by a shifter. And furthermore, Renee knows Cicely. Amid flirting the night I met her, we talked about how she knows Cicely and her sister, Candy, how Renee met them at a multi-pack youth meetup camping trip years back and stayed in touch.

She had to have gotten word on how to find me from Cicely or Candy.

The way that bitch behaved in my driveway, the way she sluffed off the known rule she broke by turning up, knowing what her showing up would say about our history – even if it was very brief – it had my hackles up.

I made it crystal clear she was not only out of line, but also that she’s not welcome back. And then after the way she looked at my mate? We wouldn’t stay in touch, wouldn’t be friends, and I won’t look back on the memory of her with any fondness.

Knowing what I’m gonna have with Amie, I won’t look back on any previous fucking of anybody at all.

Renee first acted innocent, told me she was just getting over a sinus thing and didn’t pick up the scent, and then she turned ugly and called me an asshole when I called bullshit after she revealed she could smell that my mate is human and how much of a waste it is for Arcana Falls “royalty” to be mated to a lowly human. That pissed me off in a big way. And then her lame show of submission? Shooting my mate evil eyes when my back was turned? I saw that through the window reflection and if she’d been a man, I’d have beat her to a pulp for looking at my woman that way.


It’s almost midnight and Amelia’s still sleeping. I stayed on the couch with her against me for a long time, spending time holding her, enjoying how it felt, and giving myself the space and time to really soak in the peace I feel at my new reality.

While I did that, she slept and slept, nuzzled into me, attached like Velcro until nature called and I had to move.

Since then, I’ve been patiently waiting for her to wake up, because it’s obvious my girl is tuckered out.