“Since we’re both Mrs. Quinn, how about you call me Mom? Or Skye if that makes you uncomfortable, though I hope it doesn’t.” She then adds in a shaky voice, “I’ve always wanted a daughter.”

I put my fingertips to my temples. “I don’t think you’re getting me.”

“Oh, I am, Amelia. There might have been interference by witches. That happens sometimes. They have their reasons.”

“Their … reasons?” I tilt my head.

“They’re privy to things that keep the balance in nature. Sometimes they have to intervene either for the balance or for other reasons. We don’t worry too much about it.”

“My deceased aunt paid for this,” I say, voice climbing toward falsetto. “This wasn’t done for nature’s purposes. It was done for cold, hard cash. That means your son’s true soulmate is probably out there somewhere getting deprived of all that.” I gesture to Mason who stands by the fridge, his arms crossed over his fabulous, muscular chest as he watches me with interest.

Yeah, all that. There’s a lot of it that some poor shapeshifter girl would likely be very disappointed to find out a witch stole from her. God, he looks so good bare-chested in those sweatpants. The way they hang low on his hips. His hipbones are sexier than should be allowed.

“I wouldn’t worry so much about what witches do and don’t do. It’s not for us to be concerned about,” Skye interrupts my Mason-daze, “Long story for some other day, but witches helped form this pack when it first got started. They were once very involved and though that’s not the case any longer, we’ve always respected them.”

“But what if it is something to be concerned about? Because what if he’s really supposed to be with someone else? Because I’m supposed to be with someone else.” I press my palm to my chest. “I’m getting married the Saturday after this one.”

She shakes her head. “You’re already married, dear.”

Okay. Now, I’m getting cheesed.

A phone rings from somewhere in the house.

“Right back,” Mason says and then jogs upstairs, leaving me with his mother.

She smiles kindly at me, looking like she’s got empathy. Sort of. But this is going nowhere.

“I get it.” Skye pats my arm. “You’re confused. You’re surprised. But it’s going to be wonderful. You’re the wife of the pack council’s second alpha. That’s an important role.”

I frown.

“And your sister’s lovely. I met her Friday night. It’ll be nice that both of you will be part of our pack. That you don’t have to lose touch.”

I straighten up. “My sister is lovely?”

“Well, of course. She was very sweet to everyone. It’s unfortunate, what happened, but you both look a lot alike. At least we can all move forward now.”


“Time to go, Mom.” Mason is back.

“Right.” She loops her handbag over her shoulder. “Congratulations, again, sweetheart.”

She leans over and kisses his cheek. He hugs her and kisses the top of her head, affection in his gaze. “Thanks, Mom. Appreciate the grub. Say hey to Dad.”

“I will. He’ll look forward to meeting you, Amelia. Welcome, again.” She grabs my hand.

I force a smile. “I’d say it’s nice to meet you because you seem like a nice lady, and thanks for the attempted kindness.” I gesture toward the basket. “But based on what’s happening here, I’m afraid to say that things might go legal. The police are very likely on their way already.”

Mason’s mom looks alarmed.

“I’ll walk you out,” Mason says, seeming unaffected.

“You just need some time. And some more of Mason’s charms,” she says softly to me, patting my back as she passes me.

Mason replies while slowly strolling by, “She’ll get plenty of my charms, don’t you worry.”

Blatant innuendo is delivered with that line, so I do my best to scorch him with a dirty look, but he looks unbothered as he carries the empty cooler toward the front door. She looks over her shoulder and waves with trouble in her eyes before stepping outside.

I watch as they talk for a minute by her car. He puts an arm around her, and it looks like he’s trying to comfort her.

A pang of guilt hits me for putting her under stress. But this isn’t okay. None of it.

I try to phone my mom again. The call fails. I try Ivy. That call fails, too. God. Frustrating.

I type up a text to Mom.

My phone is glitching. I’m okay but I’m trying to figure this out. Delete this after you read it, but a *guy* has me and he’s swearing we’re married now. Clearly this is what also happened to Ivy. He doesn’t even seem to care that someone was paid. I need you to try to find who was paid so we can get *them* to undo it. Maybe these people will snap out of this once the *thing* is broken. I’ll call as soon as I can.