All I know thus far is that Ivy took off after what happened at the dance and Tyson, Riley, and Grey brought her home the following evening.

And Ivy being upset when she went back to the city is what brought Amelia here today, so that tells me all this was meant to happen, though I’m sure Ivy wouldn’t want to hear it.

And I could call Riley or Cat and ask if they can help arrange to have the sisters talk, but frankly with the drama over there, there’s no room right now for more and Amelia’s arrival and her connection to me would undoubtedly add more drama to the mix.

Riley told me he’ll make sure Tyson knows Amelia is here, make sure he knows I’ve mated and tells me he’s sure once Tyson has a chance to think on it, he’ll be open to a conversation with me.

And I haven’t had much time to ruminate on it, but now that we know witchcraft is at play, I no longer feel the need to make sense of my behavior last week. The past doesn’t matter; the fact that alphas from the same council were mated to sisters with spellcasting involved has got to be the reason for my confusion. I’m a believer in things happening for a reason, but more than that because I don’t care how it came about. Witchcraft or otherwise, if what I went through had to happen to get me here, to get me her, I can deal.

Now, I’ll just need to mend any damage I’ve caused the pack by working to build bridges with Tyson. And I know that if he’s reasonable, I can do it. I feel more like myself. Myself, only better, because I have new purpose.


As far as I’m concerned, I’m getting acquainted with my girl, he’s fixing things with his girl, and we’ll sort shit out later if he’s a reasonable man. I feel like he will be – particularly given the news of my mating his sister-in-law. Arcana Falls isn’t that big, plenty of us are related in some way or another, through marriage or through blood, but if he takes his rightful place on our council, we won’t only be co-alphas on the same council in the same pack, it’ll mean we’re also linked through our mates being family. And it sounds like the sisters are close.

Right now what I care most about is spending time with Amelia. Solidifying our bond.

Amelia doesn’t realize what she’s done for me, the clarity I’ve now got after the worst crisis of my life. It’ll take time to help her realize that regardless of a fortune teller, an aunt’s wish, her misguided sense of guilt, or an ex-fiancé that’s so useless she doesn’t even carry a trace of his scent, she’s mine. All mine. And I’ll enjoy every minute it takes to show her. Right now, I’m ecstatically happy and my wolf concurs. I want her all to myself.

“Mom, it’s Amie. I’m…” Her eyes bounce to me and then she continues, “…okay. Call me back. Don’t worry, I’m all right. But call me back. I’m near Drowsy Hollow and I need to talk to you. Love you. Bye.”

Amie. I like that; it suits her.

She stares at her screen, looking pensive as she reads.

And then she taps at it, so I move closer in order to see what she’s doing. She backs up against my headboard, trying to tilt the screen away from my view.

I move in even closer, and get speared with a glare.

“Let me see that.” I reach for the phone.

She’s gorgeous when she glares at me.

“No,” she denies, clutching it to her chest.

“Let me see,” I repeat, looking directly into her eyes. “What are you tryin’ to hide? Do you get how important confidentiality is?”

She flinches at my direct gaze and looks away. “Of course I do. I’m not an idiot and I don’t want to be carted off to the asylum.” Her face reddens.

“Just lemme see.”

“No,” she denies, rolling off the other side of the bed, rushing toward the bathroom.

I follow, stepping inside just as she’s reaching for her panties, setting the phone face-down on the counter. I snatch it up.

“Hey! When a woman goes into a bathroom and shuts a door, you do not just barge in!” She yanks the black lace up to rest on her hips and then tries to wrestle the phone from me with just one hand because the other hand is being used in an attempt to shield her breasts.

Her beautiful breasts. And immediately, the urge hits to lavish attention on them. I haven’t gotten adequately acquainted with them yet. But first, I drag my eyes away from her luscious body and eyeball the screen, holding the phone up high where she can’t reach it.

All is fine. I’ll be there tomorrow. I already told you I’d get everything done from Ivy’s. You too.