I stare for a long moment. He leans forward, about to move in, so I find my voice.

“We’ll just need to get it undone. Do you know a fortune teller or witch doctor, warlock or wizard, or something that could hook us up?”

“Why would I wanna do that?” He puts a knee to the bed and moves toward me.

Uh oh.

“Whoa,” I raise my hand. “Stop right there.”

“Why?” His mouth twitches with amusement as he continues to move closer. Slowly. Like a predator stalking prey.

I’m clutching the towel closed, shrinking backwards against the pillows. “We’re not done talking and if you get any closer, I’m afraid you won’t keep talking.”

“We have a lifetime for talking,” he offers.

“Listen,” I command, lifting my right hand to halt him, but he’s hovering over me. And what a view. With some difficulty, I manage to squeak out, “The sex was nice, Mason, but this thing Auntie Nelle did turned me into a cheater. That’s not who I am.”

His expression drops.

I keep talking. “I can’t let this happen again. It’s bad enough it happened and clearly it wasn’t really in our control because of the spell or whatever, but if I keep letting it go on, I’m culpable. I have an insane to-do list. It’s like… a mile long. I need to pick up my sister, take her home, and if you can’t help, I’ll figure out how to get this undone and then we’ll move on. Just… help me, please? Help me get to Ivy and I’ll take it from here.”

He stares at me for an endless moment.

“I’m serious,” I finally say.

“What’s his number?”

“What’s whose number?”

“The guy you’re breaking up with.”


“I’ll call him. Get that off the insane to-do list. Your sister is fine, baby. So, seems to me that if I take Whatshisface off your list, all that’s left is me.” He smiles, looking deep into my eyes, making my belly dip.

After I recover, I shake my head. “No. You’re not calling him. I’ll figure out what to tell him about this.”

If anything. I bite my lip. I haven’t a clue how to deal with this with Whatshisface.

Rick. I mean Rick! Geez. Why do I keep calling him Whatshisface in my head? Because Mason suggested it? Rick has done nothing wrong here; I did the wrong thing. Me.

Eesh. I feel like such a horrible person. It’s the voodoo sex magic – I’d never do this under normal circumstances, no matter how good-looking the guy is. I’m not this superficial. I’m committed to someone, and I take that seriously.

“All right,” he says thoughtfully, “If you feel you have to do this in person, I’ll take you. I’ll take you tomorrow and we’ll pick up your things and bring them back.”

“What? Back?”

“Back here,” he clarifies.

“Why would I do that?”

“Because obviously, you’re moving in.”

I stare in shock. “Did you not hear a thing I just said about this being manufactured from a spell?”

“I heard you.”

“And?” I prompt.

He shrugs. “And I just don’t care.”

I rear back.

He keeps talking, “I designed and built this house for you, Amelia. I just didn’t know that until today. You’re my mate. It’s done. Now it’s time for our magical happily ever after.”

Ho-boy. I’m trying my hardest here to let those sweet, sweet words bounce off like I’m Teflon. He keeps going, though, a voice like honey that sticks to everything, making it nearly impossible.

“I drew the plans up and built it. My pack council brothers helped but yeah, I did it thinkin’ about the future. Thinkin’ about you. Though I didn’t know it’d be you. But I did. You know?”

There are goosebumps all over my body, because this is the house I’d build for myself if I had those skills. Except for maybe the scary staircases. “You live here alone?”

“Nobody has lived here but me. I haven’t brought any women here, either, not for that reason. Anyone I’ve been with in the past five years since I’ve lived here – I’ve gone to their place or used the car, motels, whatever.”

Before I can control it, my face sours.

He smiles. “You don’t like the idea of me being with other women.”

“I didn’t say that. I really don’t care,” I fib. “And I don’t need your sexual history so spare me. Though, we did it ungloved so hopefully your history isn’t too sordid.”

He laughs. “I’m clean. So are you. I know this by the nose.” He taps the side of his nose.

I resist the urge to ask questions about that, such as what on earth an STD smells like, but I still scrunch my face up in disgust.

“You do care. Now I know why I never brought anyone here. This is for you. All of it. And all of me.”


Fucking ouch.

I stare.

He stares.

It goes on for a long time. Too long. I need to blink. It feels like there’s something in my eye. Fuck, I’m gonna lose the staredown.