“I can’t stay for the shower and more cheat-on-my-fiancé sex. I need to get out of here. I need to see for myself that my sister is okay. And now.”

I wrench my way out of his grip.

“Baby, I get the feeling you already know I’m not letting you go. I didn’t kidnap you; I claimed you. But if you don’t already know that, I’m letting you know now. This is it. You’re here. Permanently. With me.”

“No!” I shout, abandoning my task. “This is enough of this. I’ve had temporary insanity. That’s done with. I’ve got to get my brain powered back to on, and go pay my penance or something. Outta my way.”

He blocks me.

“I said…” I give him a blazing dirty look, “Out of my way!”

He does not shrivel at my glare, so I shove.

He catches my wrists, transfers them into one hand, and then somehow still hauls me up into his arms, switching my wrists to the other hand before he carries me into the shower.

“Let go of me, Mason! I’m about to get really mad here,” I warn.

“We’re doing this, then we’re talking, and we’ll go from there. Settle down.”

“I will not settle down. Who do you think you are, anyway? This is ridiculous. You people, you… you… shapeshifters think you can just steal people away and make them do sexy things with you and forget their lives? Their responsibilities? I need to go. I have a wedding to finish planning after I rescue my sister, and then, and then…”

Find a way to beg my fiancé to forgive me for this. Or is it better that I don’t tell him? But if I don’t tell him, will the guilt eat me alive?

“Hey now.” He sets me on my feet in the shower, but immediately pulls me tight against him and makes those chest vibration sounds. My body goes from tight as a drum to almost melting. Like magic or something.

Not or something. Magic. 100% magic.

He strokes my hair and continues making that sound. I continue melting, thinking that if you could bottle that sound it’d erase the need for anti-anxiety meds.

Our eyes meet and he speaks again. “How’s this? We’re gonna get clean, I’m gonna fuck you, then feed you, and then we’re gonna talk this out. Okay?”

Emotion tingles in me.

“Yeah?” he checks.

I start to nod but then I snap out of it and shake my head with denial.

He smiles. He finds this amusing. He probably wouldn’t find it so amusing if he found out a spell was cast on him. I don’t want to be a total bitch to this guy, but I might not have a choice.

“There’s nothing for you to help me figure out. I need to leave. I’ll figure my own shit out,” I say, though what he’s suggesting sounds way better. And since I technically already cheated on… Rick… Shit. Forgetting his name? Guilt is definitely going to eat me alive.

Mason runs his palm up my back and then his fingers weave into the length of my hair as his mouth gets closer, his eyelids lowering. He’s about to kiss me again. He’s gonna kiss me, shower with me, go down on me, and then feed me.

Since I’ve cheated, really… what’s one more sexual escapade? It’s all on the same day so does it make it worse if it’s more than once?

Of course it does. I’m delusional right now.

What I should do is ask the shapeshifter to help me find the engagement ring.

Though… if I don’t find it, I won’t have to wear it anymore. Tempting.

God, I need to get out of here. I’m losing my mind. My common sense. My marbles. My morals. And my bra and panties, because he’s removing them. I’m about to protest, but they’re being tossed out of the shower. He grabs a bath sponge from the shelf on the wall and soaps it up. He begins working it over my back and shoulders.

It’s thick and lathery and what’s that scent? I think it’s him, not the soap. He’s smells potently sexual. That thing my aunt did… looks like I’m gonna need to find out how to undo it. Because I have a feeling this guy is going to be persistent otherwise. Add that to my insanely long to-do list.

He’s crowding me, a look on his gorgeous face while he washes me that feels like reverence – something that’s never been pointed at me. Our eyes meet and that look of tenderness makes my heart race. That expression? The depth of emotion I read on his face? People who have just met don’t have that. Nobody has ever looked at me like this even after proposing and telling me they love me. Whatshisface never looks at me like this. My ex never looked at me like this, either.