
I’m on my hands and knees on the shapeshifter’s bedroom floor, looking for my engagement ring. While freaking out.

I can’t believe I’ve done this. I’m not a cheater! I’ve never cheated on anybody. I’ve been the one to get cheated on, and it feels so shitty I vowed I’d never do it.

But I have.

So, I’m gripped by guilt.

Deep down I’m telling myself it’s because of the witchcraft. Maybe it’s not completely my fault, but I should’ve tried to stop it. I clung to him! I have the overwhelming urge to flee. But I can’t do that just yet. I have to find the engagement ring and then find my sister.

And then flee.

I look over at the bed. Mr. Stranger Danger is sound asleep. Naked. Gorgeous. What a trip – I shake my head, having trouble believing this.

Focus, Amelia.

Where’s that stupid ring? I need it. And that’s not because I love it, believe me.

But Whatshisface had it custom-made for me by his sister, a jeweler. He said she took one look at me and knew the perfect ring setting.

Let’s not talk about the fact that I think it’s gaudy and audacious. It’s really not my taste, but I kept that to myself. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Or his sister’s.

He told me it cost him four months’ salary and that was getting it at cost. He made that grand gesture known every chance he got, never dialing in to the fact that he turns people off when he brags like that.

I’ve recently noticed how much he brags. Either he’s gotten worse lately or I’ve just started to take notice. The past week or so, his constant monetary references have been grating on me like sandpaper. Nevertheless, I need to find that ring.

I’ve got my clothes back on, my boots nearby so I can slip out of here covertly, though it seems like the wolf/man is in a deep sleep. He was holding me so close I’m surprised I got out of his embrace without waking him.

My mind has been racing with potential plans to rescue Ivy. And I can’t execute any of them if I’m here getting screwed senseless, so I need to hustle.

Screwed senseless. Sounds about right. Because my senses are scattered all over this gorgeous place.

This room is spotless, which made me think it’d be easy to find the ring. I was sure I heard a ping when it landed, but this is a large space, and it could’ve pinged off one of the many iron railings and landed somewhere down below.

Like downstairs, this level of his home is beautiful. Gleaming wood floors, though his bed sits on a colorful area rug next to sliding doors that lead to a balcony with a lake view. The entirety of the back of this house is mostly glass and decks, clearly designed to let you enjoy the reason you’d build here – that lake. Two comfortable-looking lounge chairs and a table sit on the deck outside this bedroom, looking like the perfect place for a morning coffee or a sunset cocktail. I bet the sunsets here are spectacular. I haven’t had the opportunity to watch one in a while. Too bad I’ll be out of here before sundown; I’ll have to just imagine how pretty it might be.

Thinking the ring might have fallen through the railings up here, I peer over the side and my belly swoops. It’s as if I’ve temporarily forgotten how much I don’t like heights. The room leads to a bridge with banisters on either side. If I look on the other side not only will I see below to the main floor, but part of the view also shows the drop down to the basement level, so it’s belly-butterfly city in most directions for me.

I backtrack and tiptoe through an open door, finding the master bathroom next to a set of double doors that I’m guessing is a closet.

This bathroom – also a dream. Massive shower, soaker tub, double raised brushed bronze sinks over a humongous granite vanity. And the bathroom has panoramic views overlooking forest straight ahead and the lake off to the side. I see no other homes out there, just trees and water. It’s still early spring, so the trees are sparse with mostly buds getting ready to sprout into leaves; I bet it’s breathtaking in full bloom. And in the fall with the leaves changing color.

Fall colors and sunsets have always been a thing for me, part of the reason I’m indifferent toward Whatshisface’s house.

Shit. Rick’s house (I correct myself, pushing away thoughts of annoyance at myself for thinking of him as nameless).

When we started dating, I told him I’ve always dreamt of living somewhere with beautiful views, with lots of trees that change color. He was apathetic and talked about how much value his house has risen since he bought it. When I saw his mostly white home, it was clear he liked clean lines and uncluttered spaces. I like having the things I love surrounding me – in full color.