Now is not the time to let my mind wander to Rick and the fact that his given name is Richard Bullock, also known as Dick to some.

Guilt assaults me at thinking of Rick as Dick. He told me he got teased with that when he was a kid, so started working out and bullied the bullies who called him Dick Bollocks. The name has been in the back of my head a lot the past while since Ivy called him Rick the Dick during an argument we had.

It bothers me that my sister doesn’t like my fiancé. Because Ivy doesn’t generally dislike people. She’s kind. Sweet. Hates hurting people’s feelings. And she even tried to stage a light intervention with some friends of ours to make sure I know what I’m doing. I joked that Rick is my starter husband and waved off her concerns, but truthfully that night was the start of me looking at Rick differently. Since she said that, every time he gets irritating, which has been often the past few weeks, I’m thinking ‘The Dick’ after I think of his name. And then I’m assaulted by guilt because it’s disloyal to think of him as the name he told me he got teased with.

My body suddenly goes cold. Yeah, I shouldn’t be thinking about my fiancé while another guy’s hand is in my pants, or should I? Of course I should be thinking of him right now. I can’t let this thing happen with Mason Quinn – I’m getting married in less than two weeks!

“Stop,” I demand as I reach for his wrist, but then his fingers go deep, curl in for a second, then pull back out and plunge fast into me again. My eyes roll back. Before I can verbalize my denial any further, his lips are on mine and he’s kissing me. He’s kissing me and instead of me slapping him away, my hand grips his wrist to keep it there.

My other hand finds its way into his hair and what I’m doing can only be described as hanging onto him.

He pulls his hand out of my underwear and I almost protest, but then he’s sliding down my body and pulling my boots off while putting his mouth to my navel. He tosses the boots and peels my jeans and socks down, dropping a soft kiss on my hip.

My eyes bulge, but instead of speaking, I fall under a spell or something. Yeah, it’s the only explanation – that I’m spellbound. Because I lie still while a stranger undresses me. Even if he is a beautiful stranger, I should be doing something to stop it.

I don’t.

Instead, I watch as he undresses my upper half. It’s a fascinating display because he does it slowly, reverently, touching me, kissing my shoulder as it becomes exposed. It’s like he’s savoring every inch of skin he uncovers. He has a serious expression on his face, deadly serious. And I should say something – protest, fight, move, something… but I don’t. Instead, I watch, fascinated by his every move, by every inch of his gorgeous body. By the way his eyes … maybe the sexiest eyes I’ve ever seen… drink me in. I’m enthralled by the way his muscles bunch and flex with his movements. I’m mesmerized by the attractive, strong, warm hands that move over me.

His tongue flicks the tip of my nipple after my bra gets unfastened and then after tossing it, he nuzzles against my breasts like a cat would rub heads on their owner. Our eyes meet again, and he smiles. This smile makes it feel like there’s a herd of cattle stampeding inside my chest.

I’m down to just my black lace underwear and then those are peeled away too, leaving me just as naked as he is.

“Fuck, you’re perfect,” Mason tells me, putting his lips to my hip and I’m thinking far from it, but I don’t verbalize that.

He’s looking at me as if I am. And maybe I also say nothing because his head then moves, and his cheek grazes my thigh before his movements halt. His face is between my legs. As my jaw drops, his tongue swipes over me, slowly, making my body jolt, making me forget what words even are.

Strong hands grip my hips, which makes my heart skip a beat.

That tongue slides through again before he groans. “Mm. I’ll save that for later. Just needed a taste to hold me over.”

He’s rising up my body, smacking his lips as he’s lining up, rubbing the tip of that thick cock over the seam of me and I’m swallowing, thinking that this feels incredible.

Light catches the diamond on my finger and as my eyes hit it, I wince.

“Wait. I’m-”

“Too late,” he grinds out, slamming in, to the root, making me gasp hard, because I’m fuller than I would’ve even thought possible. “Can’t fight fate, Amelia. You’re mine now.”