I freeze in horror and twist my neck slowly until my eyes meet his. Mistake! The heat simmering in his dark gaze makes my entire body feel like it’s about to burst into flames. I can’t tear my gaze away. Our eyes are locked for what feels like a long time as I take in the slightly blacker variation of his pupils versus his irises, with even darker flecks in them. The truck slows and I manage to look away from him and take in the surroundings as the truck winds through a narrow road with nothing but trees on either side for a minute. There’s water straight ahead. And a massive three-story house with an extra-tall, pointy peaked roof with dormers on either side. As we get closer I continue to take in the oddly familiar house.

I shrug that thought off as I try to calculate my surroundings so I can make a run for it as soon as there’s an opportunity.

He runs his nose up the side of my neck again.

My calculations go nowhere because not only is what he doing beyond distracting, also because I have no sense of direction, never have, so despite efforts, it probably won’t be helpful. I should’ve paid more attention, but I was too busy trying to struggle my way out of the naked abductor’s grip. And getting lost in the bottomless depths of his dark eyes.

Oh boy. I’m in trouble, I think.



Jase gets out of my truck, waves with a wide grin on his face, shifts, and runs back up my driveway. This leaves me and my angry, feisty mate.

Time to explain.

Quickly, so we can get to the fun part.

I take in the fragrance of her hair again, and then her throat, my nose running up the side, drawing another shiver and more goosebumps from her. I chuckle.

I’m itching to sink my teeth in and give her my mark. To taste her mouth again. Her tongue tastes like berries and I’m looking forward to finding out what she tastes like between her luscious thighs.

First, I’ll get her in the house. It’s been a self-control exercise to get to this point without ripping her clothes off and making her mine in the backseat of my truck, regardless of Jase being with us.

She’s staring after Jase with the same kind of shock on her face she had when she watched me shift.

Our eyes meet again as I reach for the door and she’s shooting daggers from her beautiful blue eyes. And I can’t say I blame her for being unamused, but I can’t help but chuckle, because I can’t believe I’ve just snatched up my unsuspecting mate, carried her to my truck, and brought her home without saying a word to her. Even after she Maced me. Well, other than to warn I might claim her in my backseat.

I’m not laughing because it’s funny that I’ve frightened her; I’m not reveling in that. I’m laughing because first, joy. I’m happy – ecstatic that things make sense right now. Clarity feels like freedom. I feel like I’m finally myself again. And also, it’s funny to me that I’ve done this. I’d have said this was uncharacteristic of myself despite knowing it’s the precise modus operandi of an alpha who identifies his mate. That moment of the imprint takes priority over logic or manners. I need to get her inside so I can explain my behavior. And then get down to the business of making her mine. As much as clarity and logic has returned to my head, the claiming urge is fierce. It’s on me and I need to do something about it.

I hear her heart racing. She’s still squirming in my lap, trying to break free, but since she’s sitting halfway on my hard cock she’s been oblivious to the fact that her squirming feels great. It’s about to feel great for the both of us.

I know she’s panicked. But even more than that, she’s angry. Furious, actually. And this says a lot about her. A lot that I like. Surprisingly. I typically avoid angry women like they’re contagious. And though she’s angry, I smell arousal. And it’s making my mouth water. She might not yet know she’s mine, but it smells like her body does.

I shove the door open and bending out of the truck, secure her in my arms.

She struggles to get out of my grasp. She’s wild-eyed.

“Settle down there, wildberry. Let’s go inside, and I’ll explain,” I say as I straighten up.

“Explain? Explain why I’ve been abducted and...” she stutters out breathlessly, “how you accosted me with your mouth?”

Her eyes drop to my mouth, and I see lust blended with anger.

“This oughta be good,” she adds with an eye roll.

“Oh, it is gonna be good,” I promise and loosen my hold on her to close the door. This gives her the opportunity to squirm out of my grip. I release her, but reach out to catch her hand.