Jase. I answer on speaker.

“Hey! What is it?”

“Ty got shot. He’s okay, he shifted and that spit the bullet out, he’s fully healed, but your woman is a little shook. She thought he wasn’t gonna make it. She did good though. She’s good under pressure.”

“Shot by who?” Riley demands.

“Grey and I split. I ran back to check on Ty at the clinic and he’s chasin’ her down. She-shifter. We were runnin’ late. Tyson messaged last night and suggested we meet at nine today, knowin’ we’d miss you two since you had that job. He wanted to sleep late with his mate.”

And with the code orange being demoted back to a code yellow what with Rick Bullock being out of the picture and us understanding last night that our health scares were connected to the diner, everyone must’ve let their guards down some.

“We didn’t even catch her scent, so I don’t know how hard it’ll be for Grey to find her, but he’s tryin’. Linc’s heading out now and I’m gonna go too, wanted you two to know what’s goin’ on. Joel’s hanging back with Ty and the girls at the clinic while Cat runs some extra tests.

“Ty’s okay though?” Riley checks.

“He says he’s fine, but all the girls are motherin’ him.”

“We’ll head to the clinic. Keep us posted.”

“I’m putting a phone holster on my leg before I shift,” Jase says. “Amie Macgyvered one for me at the clinic with a sling so I can stay in touch with you guys if I shift back.”

“My woman is a smart cookie,” I say.

“Talk soon,” Jase replies and ends the call.


When we get inside the clinic, Amie rushes into my arms and wraps them around me.

“You okay?” I ask.

She’s wearing a pair of Cat’s scrubs and has Crocs on her feet.

I look her over.

“My clothes got covered in wolf blood,” she says. “And my pretty suede booties.”

“I heard you did good.”

“I was a wreck. Didn’t know what to do and I was afraid I was gonna lose him. He lost a lot of blood. But the bullet was spit out when he woke up and shifted. My sister screamed her head off at me to save him and I think her shrill flip-out stopped him from going into the white light.” She shrugs.

“But I still heard you did good.”

She gives me a small smile.

Tyson’s sitting on the exam table, looking bored. He looks at me and rolls his eyes as his mother draws blood from his arm.

“I hate shopping for clothes,” Tyson mutters, eyes bouncing between me and Riley. And it seems like a random thing to say. But then he looks at my woman. “But right about now, I’d rather take you shoe shopping to replace the boots I bled on than sit here and keep getting treated like a what do you call it… sewing cushion.”

“Ah fuck!”

We hear and see Gus coming in, seeing the needle and the blood and doing an about-face and leaving.

I chuckle.

Riley and Joel head out behind him.

My eyes move back to Amie.

“You were wrong, though, wildberry.”

“About what?” she asks.

“You said your nurse’s uniform wasn’t sexy. Scrubs totally work for you.”

She rolls her eyes.

I put my mouth to her neck and taste her.

“Not in public, Mason Quinn,” she mutters.

“Whenever and wherever your mate wants, Amelia Quinn,” I return.

She looks into my eyes and hers flare darker blue. She likes that I just called her that.

“You wanna get married?” I ask.

“We’re already married,” she swats my arm.

“You don’t need a human wedding?”

“Nope. I have everything I need,” she says.

I kiss her.

“Get a room, you two,” Ivy teases.

“Let’s head home. If we hurry, we might be able to catch the sunset from the back deck,” Amie suggests.

“Good idea,” I say. But then I feel something in the air.

Jase is coming in, Riley and Gus behind him. “Grey’s got her,” Jase says. “He’s takin’ her to a cell. He’s gonna interrogate her.”

We all breathe out relief.

“She’s a waitress from the diner in Drowsy Hollow,” Riley adds.

“She’s the one that served me when I went in before I had problems,” Gus confirms. “Nametag says Lily. But she didn’t smell like a she-wolf. And that might not be her real name.”

Now there’s even more relief sweeping through the room. Because we don’t yet know why she shot Tyson, but clearly, she’s who’s been poisoning our pack members. And she’s obviously been disguising her scent.

“We’ll have to catch that sunset tomorrow, baby,” I mutter to Amie.


Me and Amie, Tyson and Ivy, Riley and Jase are almost to the town hall. Joel left with Gus earlier. We’re all on foot as it’s a nice night and only a couple blocks. After we check in with Grey, we’re all going to Roxy’s for a drink.

Rye stops dead. As he does this, I spot Linc, Grey, and Joel standing outside in a huddle. Suddenly, I catch a familiar scent. And so does Tyson by the way he turns to the side. We both turn our gazes to Riley who is standing still. Eerily still.