“Help him!” Ivy screams at me.

The black wolf’s head lifts and his green eyes flash brightly on my sister, bounce to me, and then he shifts. He shifts and suddenly, my hands aren’t on the abdomen of a wolf, they’re on a man. And something pings. I look down.

There’s a bloody bullet between my coral suede booties.

Ty wraps his arms around my sister. “I’m okay, Ivy. I’m okay.”

“Wait, Tyson. I need to look. Give me some room, Lincoln.” Lincoln backs up and I lift the dressing away from Tyson’s side. It's still a little bloody, there’s a small wound there, but since there’s a bullet on the floor, that’s a good sign.

“Back up everyone. This fucking hurts,” he says. He looks at me. “Two steps back, please, Amelia.”

As I step back, colliding with Joel, a wolf bursts from him again. And then he shifts back. And then he does it again. I look at his hip and his skin is unmarked. There doesn’t even seem to be a scar.

We collectively breathe out relief.

“Good thing he didn’t eat in Drowsy Hollow,” Joel mutters.


He might not have been able to shift and that would’ve meant his body wouldn’t have spit that bullet out.

I avert my eyes, because… naked wolf shifter with a giant schlong. Holy horses.

“Who did it? Who shot you?” Ivy demands.

He rolls to sitting and pulls her closer. Her body thankfully covers his nudity (I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to the nudity around here).

Cat rushes in and Bailey is filling her in, gesturing to the bullet on the floor as Tyson says, “We don’t know. She’s shifter but has no scent. I think she’s taking cat grass. She shot me and then she shifted, leaving her gun and taking off.”

“Grey and Jase are chasing her,” Joel puts in.

“Where’s Mason? Where’s Riley?” Cat asks.

Cat takes the stethoscope from me and starts looking her son over. “Good work, Amie. There are scrubs in that closet,” she says.

“They’re working on that basement reno today,” Lincoln says.

“Ty, let me examine you,” Cat says as Ty waves her off.

Ivy moves aside.

Tyson waves his hand again. “It’s fine. The bullet fell to the floor. I only got shot once.”

“Only once,” Ivy scoffs.

Tyson’s eyes move to me. I’m covered with blood. I’m still holding the bloody gauze.

His gaze softens. “You tried to save me.”

I work down a swallow.

“Maybe you don’t hate me anymore.”

“I saved you because my sister would’ve killed me if I didn’t,” I fire back.

He smiles.

I smile too, giving him a wink.

Ivy wraps her arms around me and hugs me tight.

She’s trembling.

“It’s okay,” I whisper. “He’s fine. See? He’s fine.”

She nods, tears in her eyes. I grab a Kleenex and start dabbing at her eyes, ignoring that mine are leaking, too, ignoring that I’m trying to clean her face with blood on my hands.

“Come here,” Ty says. “One minute, mother.” He hugs my sister.

And then he catches my arm, too, and pulls me over and hugs us both.

“Naked man alert,” I joke. “You’d better let go of me before my mate gets here.”

Tyson laughs.

“We’re gonna go out and help Grey and Jase,” Linc says.

And then he and Joel are gone.

“Does anyone know who she is?” Bailey asks as Jase rushes in. Bailey runs for Jase and throws her arms around him. “Thank God you’re okay.”

He pats her back awkwardly. “I’m fine. Pretty sure she was aiming for Ty.”



Riley and I have had a productive morning together on the job, but his head has been elsewhere. I know he’s anxious to get back on the road to look for Erica. I’ve told him I’ll ask Jase or Joel or even Atticus and my father to jump on with me tomorrow to finish it up so he can listen to his instincts. He needs to find her. He won’t rest until he does. I just hope she’s not as good of a hider as she is a spell-writer.

I’m anxious to get home to my woman, but don’t bother pointing that out. I could spend my entire day and night inside her, beside her, watching her beautiful eyes on me. And tonight, hopefully my little mate decides to shave my face, because it’s so itchy I’m ready to shave myself. And that’s nowhere near as fun as when she does it, sitting on my cock, naked in our bathtub.

I’m switching out battery packs on a drill when panic spikes in me. Something’s wrong.


Riley and I lock gazes. And something else. The rest of the council. What the fuck?

“Let’s go find out what this is,” Riley says, and we rush out of there, getting into my truck, Riley muttering to the customer who’s outside weeding his lawn that we’ve got an emergency. We’re thirty minutes from the village when I’m pulling my phone out to try to find out what’s up. My phone starts ringing.