And that was good enough for us.

Grey is taking Rick Bullock for a drive this morning. After Linc drove Mitch and Eddy back to Roxy’s last night, Grey told me he would end Rick Bullock if it didn’t go our way and it wouldn’t be a problem anyway.

“We’re finally together, finally a full council of seven. This shit won’t get in our way,” Grey vowed.

Riley did not take it well that we’d seen his wayward mate and didn’t drag her back with us. But given all that went down, he didn’t seem like he was gonna hold it against us.

He was ready to take off and head there for her, but we told him she’d already taken off. That the girls told us she was in hiding and came back to help with the spell. Tyson gave Riley the message Erica wanted him to have.

He did not react, not outwardly anyway. We can all feel he’s in turmoil inside, that he’s still got shit to work through. And I suspect that when he does catch up with her, it’s gonna be beyond ugly for them to work their way through it.

Greyson is planning on driving up to Marblehead next weekend to meet some of his cousins and have a conversation with them about his biological mother. He’s close with his father, but Graydon has been clammed up about the whole thing, telling him not to bother. To let sleeping witches lie. I don’t blame Grey for wanting to know more. I know I’d want to know. And now that Greyson has had a taste of witchcraft, of his abilities, of course he wants to explore it further.

When I picked Amelia up from her sister’s, their mother was there. So was Cat, Bailey, Cicely, and my mother. All of them sat on the back patio drinking wine. And Kathleen had a fresh claiming mark on her throat.

She and Lorenzo have mated. And Amie told me her mother confided that he’d knotted her too. So Lorenzo has found love again. Real love is the only way a widowed alpha will knot again.

The claiming scent wasn’t in the air like with me or Tyson, but I suspect a second mating is a little lower key, though I’m sure it’s equally as important for the alpha and his new mate.

Cade’s walking around with a black eye that hasn’t healed from a fist fight he and Lorenzo had, to do with Kathleen. He passed out shortly after that fight outside the diner in The Hollow after he stopped in for lunch. Lorenzo brought him to Cat. So that’s a third case. All three cases of the strange illness so far have happened to alphas. No betas or omegas. All males. Cade’s feeling better today, but he hasn’t healed.

And the commonality across all three cases is food consumed at the diner during breakfast or lunch. They didn’t all eat the same thing. Now, we need to narrow down between what it is that’s doing it, or who it is that’s doing this.



They released Rick yesterday. He has amnesia. It worked. Hallelujah. Greyson took him out of the village, completed the spell, and quizzed him until he was satisfied before calling over a Drowsy Hollow cop walking the beat to tell him the guy was lost and seemed to need help.

Not only does Rick not remember what happened with Mason and me, he doesn’t even remember me. And he has no idea who he is. If he doesn’t get any of his memory back, maybe he won’t be such a dick.

My Mom is mated to Lorenzo, which makes Cicely and her sisters our new stepsisters. And that’s really cool, though Candy is probably going to give me the cold shoulder because of her friendship with that she-shifter named Renee who is prejudiced against humans and can’t believe that a fine specimen like Mason Quinn is off the market because of a human. Cicely says not to take it too personally. She says Renee is a little offside since losing her mate. Maybe so. But I still look forward to flashing my claiming mark again next time I see her.

Mom confided that she really liked Cade a lot and said that they even fooled around a little, not going all the way, but Lorenzo burst in, and they had a fight about it that left Cade bloody. Lorenzo didn’t forcefully take Mom or anything as dramatic as what happened with me and my sister, but they did it. And then when they did it a second time, he knotted and bit her.

She seems really happy. I just sort of wish she’d hide that mark on her neck. Thinking about it being on her and how I know it feels for me makes me feel a little icky. I can’t help it. She’s my mother!