When I get to Tyson’s house, Mom’s van is parked outside. Good. We’ll get Mom to come too. I ring the doorbell and then try the knob. It’s unlocked.

I tiptoe through the still dim space and find my way to the master bedroom on the second floor.

Ivy’s sound asleep. Alone.

Tyson must be gone for a run, too.

I say a silent hooray with a pump of my fist and then wake up my sister.


“Just because I’m with an alpha doesn’t suddenly make me someone else. I’m still me. And I’m on a mission here, whether Mason and Tyson like it or not,” I state.

“You’re gonna get me in so much trouble,” Ivy says, direly. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this. Ty is gonna flip his lid.”

My eyes roll as I hit the gas and accelerate. Since there was no way to leave Arcana Falls without going through that intersection, I’m boogeying – trying to make sure we make good time.

“You said anything…” I remind her.

She smiles. “I meant it. But we’re both gonna be in trouble for it.”

Hopefully they don’t get a good look at us in their camera room – wherever that is – and just figure it’s Mom passing through.

It didn’t take all that much convincing to get my sister to come with me. She knew I was desperate. She knows I’m doing this to save Mason from this catastrophe. That I’m doing it without telling him first because he might stop me. And because he needs to learn a little bit more about me. That when I’m determined to help someone I love, I’ll do it come hell, come high water, come stubborn alpha shifters.

She insisted on leaving Tyson a note.

I read it over her shoulder while I implored her to hurry the fuck up before they got back.

I’m helping Amelia. I’ll be back later. Or maybe tomorrow. Don’t worry. Don’t be mad. Love you.

“I don’t know if you get this,” Ivy continues, “But, I won’t be able to walk for a week after I get home. Ty is gonna flip his lid. And Mason probably too. He doesn’t seem like he has a temper like Tyson, but we’re seriously poking two big, bad wolves here. When we get home, those guys are probably gonna do their best at teaching us a lesson.”

“So, let them,” I scoff. “How bad could it be?”

Ivy shudders. “I mean, bad.”

My eyes change and cold pierces my veins. “You said you’re not afraid of your husband. You swore you were okay, and-”

“Chill, Amie. I’m not afraid of him,” she interrupts. “But…have you ever come so hard and so many times that you thought you were gonna pass out from it?”

I can’t help but laugh. That doesn’t sound so bad.

Ivy continues. “Because I have and though it sounds like fun, it’s very, very exhausting. And I don’t know about your guy, but mine will be growling the whole entire time.”

“Ooh,” I muse. “I do like it when Mason growls.”

“You’re playin’ with fire, big sister,” she warns.

“So what if I am? Are you saying I should only do what I’m told because my big bad wolf of a guy thinks he’s the boss of me?”

“No, but you’re gonna get us both burnt.”

“You want me to drop you back at home?” I ask.

“No. Of course not. I’m your ride or die, Amie.”

I smile.

She adds, “I just might die after this ride because I’ve been knotted to death.”

I laugh. It feels good to laugh. Having a mission, a mission to save my man, it’s pulled me out of my funk I guess.

“Since you’re determined to get us both in big trouble, I’m controlling the playlist for the whole road trip,” she says, reaching for the radio. “No bitching, no matter what I play.”

“Fine,” I mumble. “Have at it.” She probably won’t even play any eighties music at all. Boo. Except maybe I’ll be able to talk her into Duran Duran’s Hungry Like the Wolf.

We’re in Mom’s van because Ivy switched vehicles with her last night when she brought home all the Christmas decorations and some art pieces and special occasion dishes. She told me we could divvy them up.

Mom wanted us to have them. She says she’s going to get all new ones.

I asked Ivy which shapeshifter Mom went home with after her wedding. She told me she had no idea. She didn’t even know Mom did that.

When this is over with, when I’ve figured out how to save Mason – it’ll be time to solve the Mom mystery.


We’re over halfway there and we’ve stopped for coffee, snacks, and a pee break. We’ve just gotten back into the van when my sister pipes up.

“Amie,” Ivy says tentatively, like she’s nervous about something.

“What?” I ask, peeling the lid back on my coffee.

“I already talked it over with Ty yesterday. He wants us to have a baby as soon as possible.”