“I don’t care about his money. Do you think I was with him for that? Did you know his money was tied to our getting married?”

“No, didn’t know that much. And I didn’t say that, baby. It’s just an easy offer. Marry the guy and then wait a couple weeks and have all that cash.”

“I don’t want it,” I snap.

And then I rear back. Wait. My stomach pitches.

“Do you want me to take it?” I ask softly, then swallow hard. “Are you worried Carla will ruin your company? I mean… if you need me to-”

“Stop.” He pulls me into his arms with such force I squeak.

He cups my jaw and stares into my eyes. “You’d do that for me?” he asks, his eyes warm.

I bite my lip.

He lets out a big breath. “You’d do that for me.”

I don’t say anything. I’m stuck on how warm and expressive his eyes are right now.

He sighs again. “Couldn’t give two shits if she tries to hurt my business. I’m not for sale. And I’m not afraid of anybody. I don’t want you marrying him. You’re mine, baby. All mine.”

“Then why are we talking about this?” I ask.

“I’m having trouble reading you right now. Just talking it out with you,” he replies. “You haven’t said anything about all that stuff you found out from his sister.”

I shrug. “I was processing. And I processed it quickly. You distracted me with your relentless pursuit of me, I guess, so I got over it pretty quick.”

“Meant to tell you, I saw that ring upstairs wedged in the track for the patio doors in our room,” he adds.

“Oh,” I say. “I’ll grab it and courier it to him. Gloria said it’s bad luck or something. Looks like I met you just in time. My luck changed for the better just as you got it off my finger.”

“You found out all that from his sister when? The night we went to Roxy’s with your ma?”

I nod.

“You didn’t say anything. I saw the name Gloria over your shoulder in a text in the restaurant. But it felt like you were upset. Really upset.”

I shrug. “It stung. Stung that I was lied to. But it doesn’t matter. I didn’t love him. I guess I said yes because I was in a lot of pain when he asked.” I shrug again. “He said he loved me, and I guess because he didn’t need a woman who could give him kids.”

Mason’s expression goes even softer.

I keep talking. “Probably partly because his grandfather was sweet to me before he died and set us up and I was in a terrible place after Aunt Nelle died, after my previous ex dumped me for my fertility problems, after Dad cheated on Mom. Rick was there. He put forth a good argument for what a future with him would look like. He did a grand romantic gesture proposal. I never cared that he stood to inherit a lot of money. Never even knew how much he’d inherit. I mean… we split the bills down the middle when I moved in with him and I figured it’d always be that way.” I scoff. “I didn’t care. I like my job and make good money. I figured I’d be okay with him, that my heart wouldn’t get broken. I knew what I’d be getting. A driven guy that liked nice things. I like nice things, but I don’t have any problem working for and getting them for myself. I was totally fine to drive my old car. I love designer clothes, but I love them even more when I get them on sale. I’m not materialistic. Rick… he… just felt… I dunno… safe. That’s probably why I said yes.”

“Then he broke your heart anyway.”

“He didn’t.”

“He wasn’t faithful. He didn’t stand up for you. I will be faithful, and I’ll always take your back, baby.”

“How are you this sweet?” I ask.

“I'm just yours, Amelia. Never belonged to anybody else and I never will. And you're all mine and all I want.”

I’m melting. “Women around here are pining for you, though. The redhead. Roxy.”

“Doesn’t matter. Nothing's gonna change that I’m yours, okay? I promise you – if anybody tries to hurt you again, they'll have to get past me. And baby, I'll fight to the death to stop them.”

My insides feel funny right now. I’m trying really hard to not cry.

“He didn’t break my heart,” I whisper, voice cracking with emotion. “He just showed me what I don’t want from a relationship. Showed me that I need more from life. I wasn’t sure that I’d have that, though. But you’ve shown me it’s possible. It’s possible to have all I want.”

Mason’s expression goes from toasty warm to lighting with a different kind of spark. A lustful one. He takes my face into both hands.