He winces. “I need my cashflow problems ironed out before I can do that, Amelia.”

I gawk. “You lost that money?”

“I need your help to get flush again.”

I stare in shock for a solid minute. He screwed me over for my money as well as everything else.

“Goodbye. I’ll send back the hideous ring with the bad juju when I find it.”

“Find it?” Carla inquires.

I shrug. “Mason ripped it off my finger the first time he fucked me and threw it. It’s like he knew it was meaningless or something.”

Mason gives me an affectionate squeeze.

“It’ll turn up eventually,” I add, shrugging again.

“That ring is worth a lot of money, young lady. We’ll see you in court if it’s not returned immediately.”

“Is it worth more than what you’ve lost from my condo?” I ask Rick.

“I never wanted to hurt you. Help me, please. It’s really important, Amelia,” Rick tries.

“Were you going to dump me as soon as you got your fat check?” I ask.


And I know he’s lying. My bullshit detector with Rick has been broken but it’s currently operating at full capacity.

“I can’t help you,” I say flatly.

He shakes his head in disbelief. “You mean you won’t. Because you can help me. You’re just choosing not to?”

“Take your pick. It’s just not happening.”

“Amelia…” He looks desperate. “I’m in big trouble if I don’t correct my cashflow issue immediately.”

“Why is that?”

“It’s a long story. It’s complicated.”

“You know, it’s none of my business. I don’t care,” I hiss. “I have someone who wants me. Someone who listens to me. Someone who appreciates me. In the week and a half since I’ve been with him, he’s shown me more of what a relationship is supposed to be than you did the entire nine months we were together. Please go. Don’t contact me again.”

“Two million,” Rick blurts.

I laugh.

“Get the fuck out of here,” Mason snaps.

Carla, who has been on the sideline with a hypercritical scowl pointed at me speaks up again. “I know this house. I worked for the magazine that featured it when it was on the cover and the center spread.”

This is something I put together the other day, but why is she bringing it up at this particular moment?

She gives Mason a saccharine smile. “I now have my own firm and sit on the board for another very popular magazine, even more popular than the one your home was featured in. I understand that your company got a lot of new business as a result of that feature.”

Mason’s eyes are on her, but I can’t read them.

“If you’re a savvy businessman, you won’t get in the way of this. I can make it so nobody will work with your firm or so that everyone will. My name is platinum in the design industry for the state, so choose wisely Mr. Quinn. Choose wisely, Amelia. This opportunity won’t come around again.”

“You guys will not fuck with Mason over this,” I hiss.

Mason drops a kiss on my temple and laughs. “I don’t give a fuck who you are or how much money you’ve got, I’m not for sale. Neither is my woman. Let’s go inside, baby.”

“Think about it,” Rick calls out as Mason turns me and we swiftly move inside, not giving them a backwards glance. But as soon as Mason locks the door, he lets out an angry growl.

And I turn to see what’s happening outside. Through the stained-glass window, I see Rick and his mother converse for a minute before Rick throws his arms up in the air with frustration etched into his features and if he were a cartoon, there would be steam coming from his ears. They get in his car.

I turn to Mason, who snaps, “What the fuck”, as he tosses his phone and keys on the console table. “Those fuckin’ people are whacked.”

“Yeah. Let him figure his own problems out.”

“You tempted to take the money?”

I stare at him.

“A little tempted?” he pushes.

“No,” I whisper. “Why would you even ask?”

He shrugs. “I’m not hard up for cash, I’m doin’ well, especially since that magazine article, but I grew up working class and I’ve got some money put away, but I’m always gonna be workin’ class, baby.”

“My parents aren’t rich either.” I shrug. “I wasn’t with him for his money. Is that what you think?”

“He stands to inherit about sixty million now. Another forty-odd million when his grandmother dies. That family has money on both sides.”

“How do you know that?” I knew Rick’s grandparents were wealthy, but I didn’t ever know how wealthy.

“We’re under code orange. We’re investigating all threats that have us under that code. The illnesses and the ex who might be thinkin’ about retaliating against me for the fact you’re not going back to him, the fact that you’re now mine and that’s stopping him from getting his inheritance.”