And we’re anxious for Riley to come home and complete the council.

Nobody has talked to Rye voice-to-voice, though Joel and Ty have both had texts from him. Rye will be home in time for the wedding and he’s standing up with Ty as his best man.

I called him to give him the additional information I got from Vivica Young. Not that it was a hard confirmation, but a soft one for sure. He didn’t answer. I fired off a text after we got back from The Hollow on Sunday to tell him I had a conversation with Vivica and though I didn’t know how to help him find Erica, I wanted to fill him in on the conversation. He replied Monday night, saying he’d give me a call in a day or two.

He's calling now that Amelia and I are seated at the booth in Roxy’s.

“Gotta take this, baby. Can you order me a beer and… what are you ordering?”

“Okay, Doggo,” she says, lifting the menu. “Chili fries and smash burgers might be what I’m having.”



“Order me the back ribs and a baked potato?”

She gives me the thumbs up as her eyes rove over the menu. I answer my phone with, “Hey, Rye, how are you man?” I step outside.

“Hey brother,” he replies, “how’s mated life?”

“It’s good,” I breathe out, leaning against the railing outside the door. “It was rough for the first few days, but she’s finally settlin’ in, I think.”

“Glad to hear it, Mase.”

“You’re on your way home for Ty’s wedding?”

“Yeah. I’ll be home by Friday. Checking one more lead first.”

“I wanted to tell you something about my conversation with Vivica Young. You know she’s got four sisters?”

“Yeah, I know that now. Vivica is the oldest. Had the pleasure the other day.” His tone relays it was not a pleasure.

“I’m pickin’ up on the fact Erica might be your true mate, brother. Not just because of the spell. But because she is.”

I hear nothing. Not even background noise.

“You there still?”

“I’m here,” Riley answers.

“I got the impression, though that’s not fact. Vivica wouldn’t say much, but she didn’t deny it and her eyes said what her mouth didn’t need to say.”

“Right,” he mutters.

“Not that it makes it any better…but wanted you to know.”

“Might make it worse,” Rye mutters. “Means once I find this bitch, I’m stuck with her.”

“Brother,” I mutter, hating this for him.

“Fuck,” he bites off.

“Sorry, like I said, I don’t know this for a fact but…”

“I trust your instincts, Mase. I’m sure you’re right. Thanks for tellin’ me.”

“We’ve got work to do with this coven. We need to stay connected like the retired council did. They’re related to Grey.”

“Come again?”

“Greyson’s birth mother is a Young witch.”

“You’re joking.”

“We noticed Mimi Young’s eyes were the same as Grey’s that day, but Vivica’s are, too. I got confirmation from Vivica that they’re related, meaning Grey’s part warlock.”

“You’ve told him this?”

“Yeah. Called him Sunday after we got back. Talked further on it Monday morning on our run. They’re open to meeting with him, but he says it’s not on his radar; he’s more worried about the pack.”

“Worried about me, you mean.”

Grey’s definitely more worried about everyone else than learning about a mother he doesn’t remember. And there’s things he’s not saying about the situation, too. I don’t know what the story is there, but Greyson’s feeling conflict about that unknown side of his family. I’m sure he’ll get into that when he’s ready.

“Yeah you. Also the code yellow due to my mate’s ex. Just thought you’d want to know all you’ve missed.”

“I hear I’ve missed the half-shifting lessons. You’re all doin’ it?”

“I was the last of the group who are here but yeah. Pretty wild.”

“Got some catchin’ up to do.”

“Since Graydon and Greyson’s mother were able to sever their bond, that could mean you can do the same.”

Riley doesn’t answer.

“You need anything?”

“Knowing everything is good there is all I need at the moment, since that’s the best I’m getting.”

“Wish I had answers.”

“I’ll see you in a couple days. Enjoy your time with your little spitfire.”

“I am. I really fucking am.”

“Glad to hear it, Mason,” he says gruffly. I believe him. “After what you went through when Ty came back… I’m really happy for you, bro.”

“See you soon. You need anything, say the word.” I want him to get his happy. He’s been through a fuck-ton more bullshit than I’ve had to deal with.

“Appreciate it. Bye.”

“Bye, Riley.”

As I’m ending the call, a vibe hits me. Something problematic. Like a large collective spike of panic, Amelia’s panic the loudest.

I hurry inside and see Lorenzo unconscious on the floor by his stool and Amie rushing to his side.

“Call an ambulance!” she shouts, squatting, lifting his wrist to check his pulse.

“We’ll take him to Cat,” Roxy says, lifting a phone, “I’ll call and say you’re on the way.”