Multiple sets of eyes and plenty of smiles hit us when we step inside.

And the joy coming from her at the peoples’ reaction to her lets me know it’s the right call to share her with my pack, even though I want to keep her all to myself.

Grey and Joel wave from the back corner table and I get greeted by Linc, who’s by the door, with a back slap.

Lorenzo came in just before we did, I saw him walk in when we were pulling up, and he waves as he pulls himself up onto his usual barstool.

“You playin’ Cade tonight?” I ask.

“I am,” Linc says. “He’s on a date.”

“A date?” Amelia inquires.

“Yep, with Kathy.”

“Kathy?” I ask.

“Amelia’s ma.”

“Oh,” Amelia says. “I thought she had a date this week with Lorenzo.”

“She did. Last night,” Linc says with a smirk.

“Didn’t go well?” I ask.

“According to Lor it did,” Linc supplies.

“Oh,” Amelia replies, looking absolutely delighted. “Wolf shifter love triangle? This could be interesting…”

Bailey Blackwood and Lucy Savage (Riley’s mother, Cat Savage’s sister) wave at Amelia from a table on the opposite end of the place and Amelia waves excitedly and gestures with an ‘I’ll call you’ hand signal. Bailey gives her the thumbs up.

I steer Amelia toward an empty booth as she waves at Lorenzo over at the bar. He waves back, a big smile on his face.

Music plays and familiar smells fill the space. It’s not bad to be out, but I was enjoying the past few days at home with my mate. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to leave our bubble, it’s been fucking incredible having Amie all to myself the last few days, having no interruptions other than a one hour visit from my parents when they stopped by to bring more wine and have a coffee with us. My father and I had a coffee. The women had two glasses of wine each.

My mate and my mother are thick as thieves. It makes me happy.

Other than that, it’s just been us, other than my daily dawn run and check-ins with the council alphas. I’ve needed that, to make sure I’m tending to my wolf, ensure I know what’s going on with the pack despite this code yellow.

But other than that, I’ve been in a bubble with my mate. Cooking together, watching television or movies. Sitting on the deck at sunset. Wrapped around one another as we get to know each other. Fucking like it’s about to go out of style.

She likes watching sports, but doesn’t play them. I’d rather play than watch, but I enjoy watching her get worked up over them. She can cook. She prefers baths to showers and wears different fragrances each day. She also redoes her fingernails every second day, says she doesn’t do her nails when she’s working, doesn’t think it’s hygienic for patients when nail polish can chip and can’t stand the look of chipped polish, so she works on her nails at the first sign of an imperfection.

She gives incredible massages. She has shit taste in music.

She snores and likes to sleep with her ass tucked into my pelvis, her feet against my shins. And Amelia gives the best head I’ve had in my life.

She sends a tsunami of emotion at me through the connection we have and it’s fucking beautiful, shines in her eyes, turns them that pretty indigo blue that only fades when she’s annoyed at something, and it fades just marginally.

I’m hopeful life will return to an uncoded situation soon. I asked Amie last night if she thought her ex would poke around again. She shrugged and sent a wave of frustration through the room. She’s still resolving issues with that breakup. Didn’t want to discuss it when I asked her what was frustrating her. And I don’t fucking like it, but I suppose I can understand it. Seems like she’s still opening up to me, slowly. Petal by petal.

I’m enjoying every moment of our time alone, but it’s pretty close to time to step back into reality. I need to get back to work. I also need to share the load of responsibility with my council co-alphas what with the fact that they’re already down Riley, Tyson is still ramping up, and we’re in a code yellow.

The more hands-on I am, the better for the entire pack.

And I have a deep need to contribute, to help care for our pack. As for Tyson, all of us are bonding with him. During every morning run I see how he fits. He’s got a good head and he’s easy to be around. He’s competitive, which all of us appreciate, because it means we’re cut from the same cloth. He’s got us all mastering the half-shift, which we’re only practicing inside the cave behind the Arcana Falls to be sure we’re not seen. He’s asking questions, he’s listening, and he’s not only enjoying time with his woman, he’s also beginning to make the rounds so he can get to know everyone in his pack.