“You practice that corny speech?” she grumbles into my chest.

I laugh as I run my hand down the back of her head and give her neck an affectionate squeeze. “Guess I’m a poet and didn’t know it.”

She laughs into my shirt, then looks up at me, and whispers, “You threw him.”

I grin, pleased she's saying this with light in her eyes. She likes that I protected her.

“Like… ten feet,” she adds.

“Why are we whispering?” I ask.

“I don’t know,” she whispers, smiling.

My grin widens. “Felt good to throw him.”

Her smile slips. “You growled. Probably not a good idea. Could’ve made him suspicious.”

I shrug. “It wasn’t too revealing.”

She licks her lips. “Maybe not. But what it was? It was hot.”

Laughter bubbles up from me. “Hot?”

"Hot," she repeats.

Her eyes scan my face and go molten. The scent of her arousal hits me, and I can’t help but grab her thigh and tug, so she falls back on the bed. I pin her. And this time, she’s not fighting me.

“Want me to show you hot?”

Amie bites her lip and her lashes lower.

“Or, you still want me to keep this knot away from you?”

Her eyes trail my face, and she shakes her head just slightly.

“Good," I say, running my hand from her thigh to skate up to her ribcage, "because I’m not sure I could even if I wanted to. And I don’t want to, baby. Haven’t fucked you in too long.”

Her body shakes with silent laughter.

"What's so funny, mate?" I cup her breast and drop a kiss on her temple.

“You fucked me last night.”

“Way too long,” I state, a hundred percent serious. And then I add, “Though… you’ve been acting like you don’t want me.” I back off.

She straightens up. “I’ve decided that as long as you keep me here against my will, I’d might as well get something out of it.”

I throw my head back and laugh.

Her smile is so bright, it could light up the world.

I love it.

"Fuck, you’re beautiful,” I say, my chest swelling with emotion. I caress her face. “But he touched you. I wanted to rip his fuckin' head off. I don’t want his filthy hands anywhere near you.”

“Well, if he shows up here again, don’t rip his head off. He’d probably sue you.”

I shrug, but I'm thinking, sue me? If I let him live.

She licks her lips. Her pupils are dilated, and her arousal fills my senses.

“Though if you bottle up that growl sound you do and sell it, you could make a lot of money. So much money it might not matter who sues you.”

“You like it when I growl?” I ask.

She swallows, eyelashes fluttering, and to me, that’s enough of a response that I flip to hover over her on my knees, palms planted on either side of the pillows she’s leaned against, fencing her in.

“No escaping your predator now, little girl.”

She empties her lungs quickly. Desire is written all over her.

While moving closer, I let a growl roll up from deep down, from my gut, slowly, until I know she can feel the vibrations of it. I finish letting it through my chest, then out my mouth against her collarbone, before my nose ghosts along the column of her throat as she arches. I see the goosebumps on her skin, hear the way her heart speeds up, feel the way her temperature rises. I glance down at her tank top and my eyes rove her hard nipples before I run my tongue along her claiming mark, then pull back, locking gazes.

After a moment of looking into one another’s eyes, after seeing something I haven’t seen before, as if her walls are lowered with me just a little, maybe just enough for now, her eyes drift closed while she lifts up on an elbow, moving in for a kiss, touching her lips to mine as she reaches for my jaw with her free hand.

Her reaching for me, doing this, it strikes a match on my already lit libido. It's about to become a raging inferno. My tongue slips in to touch hers, and when she whimpers, I go for the fly of her jeans.

After divesting her of them, barely getting them off her ankles, I’m dragging her silky orange thong down, nipping at her hip bone.

She squeaks in surprise when my teeth connect, and this draws another lustful growl from me just before my mouth drifts over to close down over her clit.

Sweet essence of Amelia floods me. I feast on her, getting rewarded with whimpers and the trembling of her legs as she arches into me, seeking more of my mouth. In no time flat, she’s clawing at the blankets while grinding into my face.

If he lays a hand or even eyes on my mate again, it won't be easy to contain the urge to rip him to shreds.