Earlier that day, Mason’s mother mentioned them being in Drowsy Hollow for their meeting, so I can only surmise that Drowsy Hollow’s dry cleaners is where the witches are based out of.

My face goes hot as I decide that’s my second stop. My first stop is going to be looking for the house where my sister is. I know it’s somewhere near Roxy’s Bar. I heard a conversation last night between Roxy and Mason’s father and Roxy mentioned Tyson and Ivy were staying at Cat’s former home in the village. I asked Bailey about it, and she said that the pack all thought it was a good sign that he and Ivy were moving to the Savage house in the village. I asked questions about Tyson’s absence from their pack, and she told me it was a long story and too much to get into in a crazy-loud bar. But I got the feeling there was more to it so asked flat-out if Mason had told her to keep me in the dark when he directed them not to let me use their phones. Bailey’s face went bright red at that.

I’m going to stop into the general store and ask Cicely where it is.

My half-baked plan is better than nothing, so off I go.

I know Mason wants me here, wants to make all the rules, but Mason is not the boss of me, and he needs to understand that.

I power my phone on and see a plethora of missed calls and text notifications. Ugh. Rick. Carla. Cunty Sheila. Bridesmaids.

Nothing from Mom or Ivy so I stuff my phone into my pocket and head out.



The sound of a car starting jolts me awake.

I’m alone in my bed and my instincts have me sprinting from the bed as wolf in order to get to the door faster.

My nose touches the window flanking the door in time to see Amelia’s car pulling out of the driveway. I run downstairs and shift back to man, throwing clothes on as I fetch my truck key and phone from their hiding place, counting myself lucky she didn’t take them with her.

As I’m pulling out onto the road, I’m calling Lincoln on speaker. He answers on the first ring.

“’Sup Mase?”

“Amie took off. She’s in her car. Just left my house; are you where you can block the road?”

“On it.”

“Quick. She’ll be almost there by now. I’m on my way.”

“I’m at Roxy’s. Don’t sweat it.”

She’ll have to drive through the village to get to the main road to head anywhere and I knew Linc would likely still be at Roxy’s, so he was my best bet. He’s also got the strongest nose and can help me track her down if she miraculously gets past the village before he stops her. We can track our mates within reasonable distances but since she’s on wheels instead of her feet I don’t know how it’d go.


I pull up to the four corners of the village and my heart settles when I see Linc was successful. She got past Roxy’s but not past the four corners a block away where the gas station and town hall are.

Amelia’s car sits in the middle of the intersection. There are two wolves and Gus in front of her car.

Lincoln and Lorenzo are in wolf form. Gus is in human form, a bandage over his eye from the night before and I suspect that’s why he didn’t shift, protecting his stitches.

I’m not surprised to see our retired second-born council alpha here. Despite being retired, he’s always looking to help out. Though he usually does lunch in Drowsy Hollow at the diner and dinner at Roxy’s, so I’m surprised he’s here.

I put my truck in park beside Amie, who’s sitting in her car with her forehead pressed against the steering wheel. She’s white-knuckled and I feel her frustration at the wolf roadblock ahead of her.

I get out and pull on the handle to the driver’s side and it snaps with denial. Locked.

I wait.

She knows I’m standing here but she hasn’t moved. I see her chest rising and falling with deep breaths and I can feel increasing frustration coming at me through our connection.

“Amie?” I rap on the window with a knuckle. “C’mon baby, open up.”

I watch her hands tighten on the steering wheel before she heaves out an exasperated sigh.

Instead of opening up, and without looking at me, she shifts the car into reverse and turns it around, heading back toward Chariot Lake.

“We’ll wait in case she’s about to try to deke you out,” Linc offers.

“Good plan. I’ll text when you’re cool to stand down.”

Lorenzo gives me a thumbs up. “Congrats, Mason. Have fun.”

I flash him a grin as I get back into my truck.


I pull up behind her. No more than two inches between our vehicles so she can’t get out again without me moving out of her way.