“The witchcraft,” he said.

“Had to be. The birth order confusion? Dunno if that’s what it was, but the witches say everything is as it should be now, so, I’m just glad I’m myself again. And that how I behaved didn’t…prevent you and me from ever being in the same space together. I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad you’re home. Honest.”

“I get it,” he said. “The night I caught Ivy’s scent, the moon wasn’t right, the sky, I knew there was sorcery. But it seems that things are happening the way they’re supposed to. Just not the easiest road for any of us. Me, you, or Riley.”

“Exactly. Hope it all ends well for Rye, too. How are you and your mate doing after… everything?”

He blew out a long breath. “I won’t say it was easy. I thought I lost her. I thought I lost everything just as I was getting a chance to have all I’d wanted.” He swallowed hard and sat back on the large rock under the willow tree. “It’s good now. I feel lucky. I’ve never felt lucky before.”

His gaze turned to the right, and I caught the scent as he got recognition on his face. Linc and Jase were close, coming our way.

I found it interesting he seemed to catch it a second before I did.

“Jason and Lincoln,” Tyson said.

I nodded. “Hopefully things go easier for them.”

“How’s Amelia? Still fighting?” he asked.

“Tooth and nail,” I breathed, “Except last night. She got drunk and let her guard down.”

He smiled.

I smiled, too.

“Good night, then?”

“Yeah,” I said with a grin.

“So alcohol isn’t all bad,” he mused looking thoughtful. “I smelled it on you when we first met and that didn’t help matters. Cornelius drank a lot of the same stuff you were drinking that night.”

“Ah,” I said. “Tryin’ to shut out the pack, the needs.”

“Mm,” he muttered, a frown forming. “Maybe today will be better for you and Amelia.”

“I was feeling nothing but stress for Rye when I left your place, but yeah, getting a chance to think on what the witches said and then spending time with her last night… she was entertaining. She keeps asking for Ivy, wants to talk to her, and I suspect that’ll be one of the first things out of her mouth this morning when I get back to her.”

He tilted his head in thought. “My mate could set her straight, maybe give her some peace of mind. I can’t say my Ivy’s completely recovered from what happened, but she seems better than she was.”

“Well, Amie could try to convince Ivy to take on this witchcraft thing and get it reversed. Revive Ivy’s anger at you. My mate doesn’t know what happened between you two at the dance yet.”

His mouth went tight.

I continued, “Whatever she knows about you and your mate isn’t much. Though, the witch I talked to told me they wouldn’t help the girls if they did try to finagle a severing, though I’m not sure how much I trust a witch’s word given what Rye is going through right now.”

“Mm.” Tyson looked thoughtful.

“I think I need a couple days alone with her. Time to strengthen our bond. Time to convince her it’s real and worth it,” I added. “We’ve had constant interruptions. She ended things with the boyfriend, but hasn’t talked to him since and after talking last night about having all the pressure off her for an evening, how I’ve seen her get emotional at the toll the wedding planning was taking on her, I think I’d like to stay in a bubble with her and keep all the pressure off her for a bit longer. Take time to build our bond.”

“I understand that thinking. I’d be tempted to do the same. And I think at least a few more days alone for Ivy and me would be good. It’s been… a lot.”

Jase and Linc were with us then and obviously heard what we were talking about, shifting to male form with Jase immediately offering advice.

“Sisters getting together can feed one another’s anger and insecurity. I say you both take some time before you let the girls get their heads together,” Jase offered.

“He has three sisters, he undoubtedly has firsthand knowledge of sisterly bonds,” Linc explained to Tyson.

“You have sisters?” Tyson asked.

“Brothers,” Linc replied.

“You?” Tyson asked me.

“No siblings by blood. But I have all of you.”

Tyson stared a moment, something emotional flickering in his gaze.

Grey then joined us on foot as man and dropped his clothes by the tree near Tyson’s feet, piping up, “I think Jase is right. Both of you build your bonds with your women before you let them get together. Ivy could make Amelia clam up by telling her what she’s been through. Amelia sounds like she has a temper and I’m guessing she could bring a resurgence in Ivy’s anger and embarrassment.”