“One hundred and thirty-six, to be exact. Though I’m surprised the Saints gave usthat.But we’ve set the stage and wish to reap our reward. We’ve had fun over the years, but the work has been done. Our reward is nigh.” The voice was a knife on glass. Goosebumps rose from my skin and the back of my neck almost hurt with the sensation it stirred across my skin.


“And you will get your reward.” My eyes widened. I heard liquid pouring into glasses.

“If you’re wrong, I will snap the ribs of that pretty little wife of yours,” he hissed.No.Their footsteps echoed across the room and the echo kept me from hearing which way they were moving.

“That won’t be necessary, old friend,” Castemont answered, the sound of ale hitting a glass punctuating his statement. “I have not a doubt in my mind.” His voice wavered ever so slightly, and I heard Ludovicus inhale sharply.

“You love her.” His statement was abrupt, cut with disgust.

Castemont chuckled. “Love is a strong word. I’ll admit she’s grown on me, but she’s mostly useless outside the bedroom.”

My head spun. My rage surpassed the familiar white hot boil. An all-consuming, scalding heat exploded in my chest, spreading throughout my body like lava. It took every ounce of power, every Saints damned piece of my bloody soul to keep quiet. I swore steam rose from my skin. My body felt like crackling embers, flames spitting and dying on the stone floor.

“May all of the Saints smile upon us both tomorrow,” Ludovicus said, the sound of clinking glasses and retreating footsteps echoing through the kitchens. My fingernails bit into my palms. I couldn’t get enough air.

The second the door closed behind them I sprinted for the service door, ripping it open and throwing myself through it. “I thought you were going to be seen. Who was that?” Wrena whispered urgently, her voice strained with worry.

“Castemont and Ludovicus,” I panted through gritted teeth. She cocked her head, eyebrows raised. “You’re right, I think they’re looking for the chosen one.”

“What did they say?”

The door flew open behind us.
