Maybe it’s because she knew I was already so far along on my own downward spiral that she couldn’t be blamed for jeopardizing my future.

Maybe it really is like she’s said, that I’m smarter than most, prettier than I think, and not afraid to take a few risks.

At the time, I brushed it off and mumbled some botched version of a Janis Joplin quote about freedom and having nothing to lose.

None of that was true, of course. When you have as little as I do, you can’t afford to lose a single thing.

“C’mon!” Elodie cries, her voice competing with the one in my head warning me to go to class and get my life back on track.

If I don’t follow that voice, I’ll be solely to blame for whatever comes next.

With my heart about to explode in my chest, I ignore the voice and pick up my pace.

A blast of thunder cracks overhead as a bank of clouds bursts open and unleashes a downpour.

Immediately, I duck my chin and yank up my hood.

Elodie, of course, does just the opposite.

Tossing her head back, she flings her arms wide as though she loves getting drenched. Next thing I know, the gate screeches open, and Elodie makes a run for her car.

With my feet splashing behind her, I race to catch up.