“I’m not good at long distance,” she admitted. “The last time I did it, I gave up and moved to be with Alex.”
“Oh. I see,” Melinda said. “Well, Emmett is no Alex, that’s for damn sure. But it’s too soon to be talking about moving. Relax. Enjoy each other. See where it takes you.”
The only problem was that she believed it was a dead-end road for Emmett and her.
“Here he comes, and he doesn’t look too happy.” Trinity stood. “What’s wrong?”
“Rhett’s coming back to Florida,” Emmett said. “And he’s bringing Shawn with him.”
“Why?” Trinity asked. “Don’t we think Shawn might have had something to do with all of this?”
“We did. But we have some new information, and it’s leading us back to Shawn’s sister, Rayna.” Emmett tapped his phone. “Shawn said she’s batshit crazy, and he’s constantly having to bail her out of one financial mess after the other. However, they haven’t spoken to or seen each other in a couple of years. Last he heard, she was living in Miami with some rich land developer. We still have very little on her, but we do have a picture.” He held up his cell.
Trinity’s heart dove right into the depths of Hell. She snagged the electronic device. “I don’t believe it. It can’t be. No fucking way.”
“Do you know her?” Emmett asked.
“Yeah. She teaches yoga at the gym I belong to.” Trinity blinked, hoping the image would somehow change, but it didn’t. “That’s my friend, Kathy.”