“Truth be told, it went a little beyond that.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me.” He tilted her chin. “You went through a dark time. You’re aware of how you could have allowed yourself to be dragged into a black hole with this.” He ran his thumb across her cheek. “To be honest, I’m not going to be able to rest until I’ve put whoever killed those men and set up your father behind bars. The only difference between you and me right now is that I get paid to have an obsession.”
“While that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me, you’re taking a lot of time off right now to do this.”
He laughed. “Yes, and no. Some of what I’m doing might be off the books, but my boss knows what I’m doing, and she’s on board.”
Trinity pressed her body against his and gave his lips a big kiss. It started as nothing more than a sweet thank you for being kind, but it quickly turned into something more. She clutched the fabric of his shirt, clinging so tightly that he wondered if she might rip it in half.
She pushed him to his back and straddled his legs. Her desperation matched her passion, and he became drunk on it. This was not what he had planned for the evening. Far from it. If anything, he’d thought he might sit with her, hold her for a little bit—maybe even all night. But making love hadn’t even been on his mind.
Not for tonight.
“Trinity,” he managed with a raspy breath. “We don’t—”
“You kind of owe me.”
He chuckled. “That I do,” he said, holding her hips for support. “But it doesn’t have to be right now. You’ve had a long, emotional day.”
“It wasn’t that long since I spent half of it sleeping or hungover.”
He reached up and brushed some of her long, thick hair behind her shoulders. He stared into her adoring eyes. “I could never say no to you.”
“Ha. You did last night.”
He groaned. “That’s a mistake I’ll never make again where you’re concerned.” In the short time he’d known Trinity, he’d grown to care about her. Only a few women had been able to affect his heart so deeply.
Both of them had done so in a matter of weeks.
Trinity had done it in days.
If he could give her the moon and the stars, he would.
He tugged at the hem of her shirt, lifting it over her head. Reaching around her back, he unhooked her bra, letting the straps fall gently off her shoulders.
She took her hair and twirled it around some scrunchy thing on top of her head.
“Nope.” He released it, allowing the strands to cascade over her body. “I like your hair.”
“It gets in the way.”
“I think we’ll manage.” His gaze shifted from her eyes to her breasts. He couldn’t help it. They were both spectacular. Breathtaking, actually. “You can always put it back up if it’s making either of us crazy.”
“I know how to make you go nuts.” She skimmed down his legs, lifting his shirt, kissing his stomach.
He thought about protesting but thought better of it. If this was what she wanted, who was he to argue? As a matter of fact, he’d give her a hand and help by getting out of his clothes.
Resting her head on his hand, he closed his eyes and did his best to relax while enjoying every sensation her hands, lips, and mouth brought to his body. She teased him while bringing him the kind of pleasure he fantasized about. She knew exactly what he wanted. How he wanted it. The pressure was precise. Every lick, squeeze, taste, and stroke were total perfection. He didn’t need to guide or give direction.
All he had to do was enjoy.
And, of course, stop her before things went too far.
“Hey, you,” he managed with a throaty whisper. “Up here.” He tugged gently at her hair. “Time to change it up.” He sucked in a deep breath, calming things down a bit. He certainly needed a few moments to collect himself. “My turn.”
“You had your fun last night.”
“No, I didn’t.” He lifted her with ease and flipped her onto her back. He suckled one breast and then the other.