Page 38 of Mine to Save

She only had herself to blame.

Never again.

Sucking in a deep breath, she let it out slowly, ridding herself of the toxic memories, holding onto only the thoughts and emotions her therapist reminded her she needed to keep in her heart. “That part of my life is in the past. I’m working on building a future, and I know I’ll find someone to share my life with.”

Melinda’s eyes twinkled like the stars dancing in the night sky.

“Don’t even go there,” Trinity said.

“Go where?” Melinda asked with a tilt of her head and a wink. “You and Emmett would make such a cute couple.”

“I live in Pensacola.” Trinity held up her hand. “I’m only here to clear my father’s name, and Emmett was the last person to see him alive. He’s not even interested in me.”

“Right. Next thing you’re going to tell me is that he didn’t kiss you last night.”

“Are you spying on your guests?”

Melinda laughed. “I was cleaning up in the kitchen. It was hard to miss.”

“Anyone ever tell you that’s called burying the lead?” This was the kind of thing that would normally upset Trinity. She hated being blindsided, and there was nothing worse than people getting all up in her business. She enjoyed her privacy, especially after losing her baby. That had been absolutely horrible. Worse than when everyone had found out that her father was a murderer. With the latter, people made assumptions. Their judgments were harsh and cold, but they were done to her face.

With the former, her friends and even some of her family pitied her and talked about her behind her back as if she were a fragile little girl who couldn’t handle the big, bad world.

“I drive Chad insane with that. He’ll come home from a business trip and ask me how things are going, and I’ll tell him all the superficial stuff and then drop the bomb. He hates it.”

“I would, too.”

“And now you’re changing the subject.”

Trinity laughed as she hopped to her feet, thankful to see Emmett waving from the pool deck. Standing next to him were two incredibly handsome men. “Who are the two guys with Emmett?”

Melinda slowly stood, covering her eyes. “One is Rhett, the private eye. And the other is Emmerson. He’s another cop.”

“Jesus. That family produces some handsome guys.”

“And they are all so disgustingly sweet.”

“I’ve met Jamison and his wife. Are Rhett and Emmerson married?”

“Rhett is a confirmed bachelor. He’s always bringing the flavor of the month around. Emmerson isn’t currently single but he’s also not married. He’s been on and off with this fishing charter captain. Nice woman, but they are like oil and water.”

“Sometimes, that makes for the best relationships.”

“But you know what?” Melinda looped her hand through Trinity’s arm. “You have to get to know a person for more than a single kiss to find out if your oil is suited for someone else’s water.”

“That makes no sense at all.” Trinity’s stomach flipped. And flopped. And sloshed around like she was a teenager about to go meet a boy under the bleachers.

“I’ll bet you the full price of your stay at my lovely bed and breakfast that you and Emmett end up in bed together before my husband comes home from his business trip.”

“Never going to happen,” Trinity said. “When does Chad return?”

“Five days.”

Trinity swallowed her pulse. She could hold out that long. It wouldn’t bethathard to resist his charms.

Then he smiled, and all she wanted to do was pick up where they’d left off last night.