Page 31 of Mine to Save


Trinity dangled her feet in the pool and stared out at the inlet. A couple of fishing vessels returned from the ocean. A few other boats floated in the water, enjoying the last few hours of daylight before the sun dipped behind the horizon.

She could get used to this.

Not that there weren’t beaches and waterways up in Pensacola, because there were. Plenty of them, too.

But she didn’t live on them.

Truth be told, she had only moved back to Pensacola after she and Alex had called it quits.

For good.

But she hadn’t liked Atlanta. She’d only moved there because he was there. But when their relationship ended, she’d come running back to Florida with her tail between her legs.

Her cell rang.


Trinity contemplated not answering. Kathy had texted five times already today, asking for an update. But if Trinity didn’t answer, Kathy would keep it up.

“Hi, Kath.” Trinity continued kicking her legs, enjoying the warmth of the pool. “Sorry I haven’t texted or called. It’s been a busy day.”

“Doing what? Because I’ve been worried about you. I almost got in my car and started driving.”

Now that was dramatic. “Emmett and I went and spoke to the FBI, and then we did some research at the police station. Right now, I’m waiting for him and his mom, the chief of police.”

“Why? Didn’t you find out everything you needed to know from the FBI? I mean, I just watched the evening news. The district attorney’s office made a statement. I’m sorry, but you need to accept—”

“Kathy, I can’t.” Trinity rubbed her temple. “The FBI lied. Right to my face. And to Emmett’s. They’re covering something up. I have to see this through.”

“Okay. I’m coming to Lighthouse Cove. Give me the address of where you’re staying. See if they have another room.”

“Now you’re being ridiculous.” Trinity glanced at the sky, angling her face toward the sun. “Don’t get mad, but I don’t want you to come. I’m sure I’ll be back in a few days.”

“Trinity, I care about you, and I’m concerned that you’re looking for an answer you’re never going to find.” Kathy might be right, but Trinity had to at least search.

“I’ll call you tomorrow night. Promise.”

The sound of shoes shuffling across the stone patio caught her attention. She ended the call and glanced over her shoulder.

It was hard not to smile when she made eye contact with Emmett.

“You remember my mom, Rebecca,” Emmett said. “And this is my dad, Dalton.”

Trinity jumped to her feet. “It’s nice to meet you.” She stretched out her hand. “Thank you for coming.”

“I’m sorry my son, Seth, couldn’t make it,” Rebecca said. “One of his kids is sick, and another one has practice, so he and his wife have to split duties.”

“I appreciate the help you’re giving me. Really, I do. This goes above and beyond.” She followed Emmett to the round table under the umbrella and took a seat, still facing the water. The view had a calming effect, and she needed it. While she hadn’t lost her temper since she’d been in her early twenties, she’d felt heat boiling in her belly ever since they left the federal offices in Fort Lauderdale. Her therapist had told her that while she dealt with the betrayal that had sent her over the edge, she would always have to balance her emotions when pushed to her limits.

“If I didn’t think something strange was going on, I’d let it go,” Rebecca said. “But Robash sent me logged evidence that I know is false. I can prove it, but I don’t want to show my hand too fast. Not until I know more, especially since she took over the crime scene before I even had a chance to look at anything.”

“I don’t mean to be rude, and I’m certainly not questioning you, but why wouldn’t you be part of it since it happened in your town and Emmett was right there?”

“That’s a good question. And a valid one.” Rebecca leaned back in her chair. Her ex-husband sat to her right, and Emmett was on her left, closer to Trinity. “I was in my office doing paperwork when Robash and her team showed up. They said they had gotten a tip that Jeff was in the area and wanted to know if we’d seen him. Of course, no one had at the time. However, shortly after she showed up, she got ananonymous tipthat someone had spotted him in front of the diner. That’s when I radioed my son, who was with your dad. Once we had confirmation of the situation, Robash took over. It didn’t matter that I’m in charge here. Once the state police and the feds rolled in, my hands were tied. It was their case, their call. I was only there to support them, but I had no reason to believe that any of them would pull shit like this.”

“Before we continue,”—Dalton leaned forward, clasping his hands together. He had kind, deep blue eyes, much like Emmett—“I need you to give me a dollar so I can officially be your lawyer.”