That way, you’d get the next assignment over someone else.
But taking a case mid-stream from someone else took balls.
It also alienated a person from their colleagues.
“Robash told me point-blank last night that she’d spoken to Trinity, only she hadn’t. So, I made an appointment to meet with the agent. Only she doesn’t know I’m bringing Trinity with me.”
“Sneaky bastard,” Rhett teased as he pulled a folder out of the satchel on the back of his bike. “I did some studying of the crime scenes, and something doesn’t add up with this being a homeless guy killing because he doesn’t like cheaters.”
“What’s that?”
“First, it seems the killer spends a little time torturing the victims. I can’t be sure until I have this analyzed, and then I’m hopeful Cotania can confirm my suspicions, but I believe whoever murdered these men was military. And Jeff never served.”
“Can you be a little more specific on why you think that?”
“The autopsy pictures I was able to get show torture tactics that only the military use, and we’re not talking your average military man. I’m talking special forces or black ops.” Rhett opened the folder and handed Emmett a piece of paper. “It appears the police and feds kept the torture from the media, along with a few other details. It only got buried deeper when Robash took over.”
“How long after she became lead on the Adultery Killer case did she hone in on Jeff Allen as the suspect?”
“That’s how she got the case,” Rhett said. “She figured out the Paul connection when an anonymous tip came in about a person looking like Jeff where one of the bodies was found. The weird thing, though, was that her office took the call, not Cotania’s. The only answer I have for that is that the caller phoned in on the national hotline and got sent to the wrong field office.”
“Sounds a little too contrived.” Emmett didn’t believe in coincidences. “But why would Robash go that far out of her way to get a case?”
“I don’t know. But there’s more. Look at the kills.” Rhett pointed to one of the autopsy images. “Whoever murdered these people used a military-grade knife. Another thing that was kept from the media. In Cotania’s original notes, he stated he was looking into displaced local veterans.”
“Once again, Jeff doesn’t fit that description.”
“Maybe that sketch he made does,” Rhett said.
“Trinity sent it to her family and some people from her father’s past, but nothing turned up.”
“I have to ask, how is Melinda taking having Trinity stay at her place?”
“Melinda hasn’t made the connection yet. Or if she has, she’s not freaking out.” Emmett glanced over his shoulder. The sun beamed down on the big, white house with its green shutters. A few of the guests stepped from the front door and scurried down the walkway toward the street, heading into town. The nice thing about the location of the Landon Lighthouse Bed and Breakfast was the ability to walk to restaurants, stores, and some of the other great attractions Lighthouse Cove had to offer. “I hope she doesn’t, but you know Melinda. She’s one smart cookie. Mom thinks I should tell her, and soon.”
“Even if she does know, unless her husband is uncomfortable with the situation, she’s not going to make a big deal of Trinity staying there, or tell the town she’s the daughter of an accused serial killer.”
Emmett could only hope.
“So, is Trinity as hot in person as she is in the pictures I’ve seen?”
“Not your type,” Emmett said with a little more bite to his words than necessary. His brother didn’t treat women badly—far from it, actually. But he couldn’t commit to anyone for more than a few months. If that. He was always upfront and honest with the girls he dated. However, he was still madly in love with Krista. That meant there was always a third person in any relationship Rhett had, and that never ended well.
He’d completely given Krista his heart, and she’d broken it. He’d never allow that to happen again.
Emmett could understand that emotion because there had been times right after his breakup with Melinda that he wasn’t sure if he could ever let himself fall in love again. But the more that wound healed, the more he realized he didn’t want to be alone for the rest of his life. Only, it was hard to trust again.
“Everyone’s my type. You’re the picky one,” Rhett said. “Mom and Dad think I’m pining for a woman who’s never going to show her face in this town again, but they’re wrong. Still, maybe it’s you who’s still got a flame cooking for an ex.” He pointed to the bed and breakfast. “Of all the places you could have put a guest from out of town.”
“Not that I have to explain myself to you, but she had a room, and she gave it to us dirt-cheap,” Emmett said through a clenched jaw. “I’m over Melinda. And stay away from Trinity. She just lost a father she never got the chance to know and she’s hurting. She doesn’t need you hitting on her.”
“But it’s okay if you do.” Rhett held his hands up. “Don’t try to say you weren’t. Even Bryn thinks it’s only a matter of time.”
Fucking wonderful. Emmett’s entire family was talking about him and Trinity. This was the last thing he needed. “I’m not doing anything of the sort.”