Emmett stuffed his hands into his pockets to keep from lacing his fingers with Trinity’s. He found her to be not only insanely attractive but incredibly intelligent, as well.
“You have to try the lobster roll from this one truck. They have the lobster flown in fresh from Maine every day. It’s amazing.”
“Sounds fantastic. I’d love one,” Trinity said.
“Why don’t you go grab us a couple of beers and a table under the tent? I’ll get them and some fries.” He pointed toward the picnic area. “The line is pretty long. You’ll probably get the beers much faster, so get four.” He handed her forty bucks.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
He stood in line while he glanced over his shoulder at least a dozen times, checking Trinity out.
There were so many things to like about her and a million reasons he shouldn’t get involved. He nearly laughed out loud. What made him think she’d be interested in him? Just because she was out at the seafood festival? She had nothing else to do while they waited to head to Fort Lauderdale tomorrow.
And the only reason she was in Lighthouse Cove to begin with was because an FBI agent had gunned down her father in front of a diner.
“Hey, big brother.” The sound of Jamison’s voice cut through the night air.
Emmett turned. “Yo. What’s up?”
Jamison had Zadie in one of those baby contraptions that kept her tight to his chest. “Same thing you are.” He slapped Emmett on the back.
Bryn, Jamison’s wife, stood close by, rubbing her growing belly.
“Look at you,” Emmett said. “You’re getting bigger every time I see you.”
“Thanks for the reminder.” Bryn patted her belly. “Not only am I getting fat, but this little fella, and we did find out it’s a boy, likes playing soccer on my bladder.”
“Congratulations.” Emmett leaned in and kissed Bryn on the cheek. He was truly happy for his brother and his wife. Though he’d be lying if he said his heart didn’t hurt a tad. For the most part, he’d been able to move past his pain, but every once in a while, he had moments where his soul grabbed hold of those memories and tormented his mind. “A bouncing baby boy. That’s awesome.”
“Who are you here with?” Jamison asked. “Mom mentioned that you were helping the daughter of the man who the feds shot. Did you bring her?”
“Yes,” Emmett admitted. “What the hell has Mom been saying?” The line went from ten to eight. It shouldn’t be too long now.
“Only that Melinda said she’s really pretty.”
“Fucking wonderful,” Emmett muttered.
Jamison covered Zadie’s ears. “Hey. Small child present.”
“She’s only a few months old. She’s not picking up her uncle’s bad mouth,” Emmett said. “But I’ll work on it.”
“You better.” Bryn playfully smacked his shoulder. “Now, point out your friend. I need to take a load off.”
“She’s the one with the long, brown hair over there.” Emmett pointed.
“Perfect. I’ll go introduce myself.” Bryn kissed her little girl’s forehead before rising on tiptoe and smacking her lips against her husband’s. “I’ll try not to embarrass you too much.”
“Gee. Thanks for that.” Emmett knew that Bryn was mostly teasing; however, she’d jumped on the let’s-fix-up-Emmett bandwagon lately. He waited until she was out of earshot before saying more. “Seriously, what the hell is Mom saying? Because I don’t need this shit right now. Between trying to understand what happened with Jeff Allen and—”
“Relax, big brother,” Jamison said. “Mom is honestly more concerned that you’re going to fall head over heels in love with a woman who isn’t available. And, honestly, Trinity seems like just the type.”
“Why the hell would you say that? And if you mention the damsel in distress crap, I’ll pop you.”
Jamison laughed as he patted his little girl’s bottom. “It’s not that. And Melinda wasn’t even close to being a damsel in distress. That chick’s a fighter, and I bet Trinity is, too.”
“Then what?” Emmett moved closer to the order station. “Because I don’t get how anyone can say that when I’m the only one who’s met her.”