“What about work?”
“I’ve already got the next few shifts in the emergency room covered, and I’m going to call my supervisor at the hospital right now. I’ve got a ton of days saved up, and I haven’t taken a single vacation or sick day in over two months. Don’t worry. I’m not going to let anything interfere with my career as a nurse. I’ve worked too hard to get where I am.”
Her mom let out an exasperated sigh. “Promise me you won’t become obsessed with this.”
“I’ll do my best. Now, I’d better get home and pack. I’ve got a long drive ahead of me.” She waited until her mother was out of the room before pulling up Kathy’s contact information. She might as well get that phone call out of the way.
“Oh, my God. Are you okay?” Kathy asked. “I can’t believe they shot him. Dead.”
“Well, hello to you, too,” Trinity mumbled.
“Sorry. But I can’t believe it. He must have done something in that diner or threatened someone.”
Trinity pinched the bridge of her nose. “He didn’t kill those men. It doesn’t make any sense.”
“Oh, honey. I know you want to believe that, but—”
“I’m headed to Lighthouse Cove tomorrow. I’m going to meet with a police officer there who saw the whole thing.”
“Why would you do that?” Kathy meant well, just like everyone else in Trinity’s life. But they all wanted to think the worst of her biological father. And she understood that because she’d done that same thing for years.
But not anymore. It was time to get all the facts before making any judgments.
“Because I have questions that need answers.”
“I’ll come with you,” Kathy said. “You shouldn’t do this alone. This is when you need your friends the most. And what if this cop isn’t who he says he is?”
Trinity didn’t need a lecture. She needed support. But she sure as shit didn’t need a babysitter. “No. This is something I need to do alone.”
“Well, promise me you’ll stay in touch. I can find someone to take over my yoga classes and be there in a snap. All you have to do is call. Okay?”
“Thanks, Kathy. I appreciate it.” Trinity ended the call. She blew out a puff of air. If her fatherdiddo the things he’d been accused of, Trinity didn’t know how she would survive the emotions that already churned her gut.