The moment I’m done shoving the fucker into the trunk and slamming it closed, there’s a big boom. My head snaps up in time to see the car go up in flames and Queenie running back over.

“Get in, get in,” she cackles. Rushing to the passenger's side door, I get inside while she gets into the driver's side. She starts the car, and in seconds we’re peeling down the driveway.

“Fuck, did you see that?” she asks with a laugh, her body vibrating with adrenaline.

“What was the point of that?” I ask.

“Well, Angel’s buddies are going to start getting suspicious if their men keep going missing, especially JoseandAngel. So, if we make it look like one of them is dead, it might buy us some more time. Two down, two to go, and it’s only a matter of time before they decide to fight back. Gotta take out the head honchos, and the others will go running back to their master with their tails tucked between their legs.”

“And the teeth?”

She looks at me, giving me a bored look. “Angel’s teeth will be the only thing they can identify him with, dead dude will be too crispy to get much from, DNA wise.”

“I’m sure they will still be able to,” I tell her.

“Not if Miller fakes the report. The teeth will be good enough so they don’t look deep.”

“Ahh,” I say, nodding my head, getting what she means.

We drive back to the club, music blasting as she sings with the Spice Girls like we’re on a regular old drive.

“Alright, boys,” Queenie says when we get to the club. “Got another one for you.”

Tommy and Lucas step up to the trunk and open it. “Nasty,” Tommy mutters as I get out of the car and join them. Looking down, I see that there is indeed blood all over the trunk of my car.

“He looks like an old man.” Queenie giggles, pulling her lips over her mouth to make herself look like she has no teeth, mimicking an old man before laughing at her own joke. We all just snort and shake our heads. He looks like anything but an old man. Sure, he only has his gums left, but his mouth is so bloody you can’t see shit.

Tommy takes Angel from the trunk while we all follow Queenie into the club. We walk down to her show room and into a hallway with windowless doors.

She opens the door, and I wrinkle my nose at the smell of body odor and bodily fluids.

“Oh, Jose!” Queenie sings. “We have a buddy for you.”

We walk deeper into the room until I see a dim light shining over a cell. Jose is standing there, looking like he could use a good shower.

“You crazy bitch!” he spits. “I’m gonna enjoy slowly killing you when I get out of here.”

“Oh, I’m so scared,” she mocks before laughing. “You're not going anywhere, but keep dreaming, buddy. But I did bring you some company. See how nice I am?”

Jose’s eyes widen when he sees Tommy bring in Angel. Jose loses his shit, calling Queenie every name in the book as Tommy tosses Angel into the cell next to him and locks the door.

Queenie ignores Jose right up until he starts to describe all the vile things he plans to do to her.

She’s over at his cell in a flash, grabbing him by the shirt, and pulling him forward so hard that his head bashes against the bars. He lets out a roar of pain as she brings her dagger up and into his side.

“You will never have the privilege to touch me in any way. You will never get to look at me unless it's with fear inyoureyes,” she says, her voice low and dangerous. Queenie pushes him back, making him fall hard onto the cement floor. “Now, have fun playing mama bird to your buddy there,” she says, giving him a wicked grin. “He’s gonna need any help he can get, not having any teeth and all.”

I sneer down at the two vile men sitting in the cells. This whole night was a thrill. The thrill of getting to take one more bad person off the street. The thrill of potentially getting caught, and the thrill of doing something with the person I love no matter how fucked up others might think it is.

But right now, I want to go into that cell, wrap my hands around his throat, and fucking kill him for saying those things about my woman.

“Cass,” Queenie warns. I’m breathing heavy, pure fury filling my veins. Knowing everything Queenie and Harlow had to deal with, not just for most of their lives, but just a few months ago, is a lot to overlook. And I’ve had to hold it in because it’s what Harlow wanted, to just pretend like it didn't happen. But I did, and it kills me everyday knowing I couldn’t stop it.

“Don’t do this to yourself,” she tells me. “There's nothing you could have done.”

“I need to kill.” I say, not sounding like myself.

“I have something better,” she tells me. She grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall we came from, past her showroom and into another room.

She flicks on the light, and a red hue fills the space. Her dungeon. I haven’t been here yet. “One time only. Take your aggression out on me. Fuck me with every emotion you have.”

“What?” I ask, my eyes widening at her words. “No. No, I don’t want to hurt you.”

She lets out this laugh that has my cock rising to attraction. “Baby, I’m not Harlow. Hurt me, hurt me good. It will only make me cum harder.”

I did just that for the next hour, some of it I’m not proud of, but she was right, it’s what I needed. I’ll get my pound of flesh, but for now... for now, my own beast is sleeping again. Thanks to this goddess, this queen. She’s perfect for us all in every way imaginable.