“Grab his gun, will you?” she snaps while I just stare at the guy.

“Fuck, sorry,” I say, rushing to grab his gun that’s poking out of his waistband. Once I wrap my hand around it and pull back, his hand grabs mine, and we start fighting over the gun.

“I swear, if you fucking shoot me Cass, I’ll kill you,” she growls, pulling harder on the belt. Angel’s eyes widen, his face starting to turn blue. “Get the fucking gun. I need him alive.”

Fuck it. My left hand is caught between me and his fucking chest. Risking it, I let go of the gun and punch him in the face a few times until he passes out.

“You don’t get to kidnap people with me anymore,” she growls, letting the belt loose.

“Well, sorry!” I huff, glaring at her. “I run a fucking company and take care of a five-year-old, I don’t go around snatching people off the street.”

“Clearly,” she shakes her head, then looks out the window. “Good. Taco dude is closing up shop for the night. We’re going with plan B.”

“What’s plan B?” I ask, furrowing my brow.

“Don’t you ever listen to me?”

“You didn’t even tell me anything about what was fucking going down tonight, other than the fact that we were taking Angel today,” I exasperate, tossing my hands up in the air.

“Oh... really?” she asks, tilting her head to the side. “Maybe I did in my head.”

I just narrow my eyes and get out of the car. She gets out too, then opens Angel's door. “Out you go, big guy,” she says, pulling on his shirt and making him fall out of the car.

Making my way around to her, I see her flop him onto his back and straddle him. She puts the bag down next to her and grabs something out of it.

“Pliers?” I ask as she takes a tool out. “What are you gonna do with those?”

“Teeth, duh,” she says, like it should be obvious to me while rolling her eyes.

I watch as she pries the guy’s mouth open. She grips a tooth and tries to pull it out, but nothing happens. “Ugh,” she looks up at me. “Use some of that brute strength, will you?” she growls. “We need to get this show on the road before we get caught.”

Letting out a sigh, I bend down next to her. “How many?”

“All of them,” she grins.

Muttering under my breath the whole time, I pull each tooth from the guy’s mouth and place it in a pile on his chest. There's blood, lots of blood, and I’m gonna be surprised if he doesn't end up choking on it.

“Alright, now what?” I ask, looking over to Queenie, but she's not there. Brows furrowed, I stand up to see her pulling another body over to us. It’s a man, the same build as Angel. “Who the hell is that?”

“We aren't on a first name basis,” Queenie says, letting his body drop to the floor. Her breaths are heavy like she ran a marathon. “Fuck, I need to start working out more, sex isn’t enough. Remind Harlow of that, would you?”

Ignoring her request, I ask. “What’s he for?”

“Just put him in the front seat,” she instructs.Why is this woman being so fucking stubborn tonight?

“Who?” I ask, looking from one body to the other.

“This dead guy,” she says, waving her arm at the body she just pulled up.

Doing as she asks, I lift him over my shoulder and place him in the front seat. “Now what?”

She goes over to Angel, grabbing the teeth in one of her hands and comes over to the guy in the car. She presses the lever that pushes the chair all the way back, then opens the man's mouth. He too has no teeth. She takes Angel's teeth and drops them in the body’s open mouth.

“Now, we take him,” she points to Angel. “Stick him in the trunk while I light this baby up like the Fourth of July.” She gives me a devilish grin. I’ll ask her what the point of this is once we’re in my car. My car, that I’m gonna get blood stains all in the trunk.Why couldn’t we have used one of hers?

Leaving her to do her thing, I throw Angel over my shoulder. Just as I’m about to walk away, Queenie grabs my hand, pulling it back to stop me. Looking down at her, I raise a brow. She smiles at me, this one a little softer and lifts up on her tiptoes and plunges her tongue into my mouth. Now is not the time for my cock to get hard, not with a grown man slung over my shoulder, about to be shoved in my trunk, only to be killed in a very painful way later. But here I am, hard as stone as I moan into her mouth.

“Thank you, Cassy boy. It means a lot that you came to play with me. You will be rewarded nicely tonight,” she purrs before slapping my ass and pushing me in the direction of my car.