This time it's my time to laugh. “Oh, you stupid man.”

“What was that?”

“Nothing.” I smile, batting my eyelashes at him. “So, what are your plans with me anyways? Can we get it over with so I can get home. I’ve got a club to run and shit.” I say casually, knowing there’s no fucking way this man is letting me go. But that's okay, it'll be even sweeter when I get out of here with his blood on my hands.

“You're not going anywhere, my sweet Hummingbird.” I thought he would say as much.

“Oh, really? And what am I going to be doing?” I ask, cocking a brow.

“Living here, with me. I’m going to fuck you when I want, be your pleasure and your pain just like I was always meant to be. You got away from me once, I won’t be letting that happen again.”

“So you're going to keep me locked up in your basement like a prisoner?”

“More like a pet,” he says, grinning. Or, at least I think it's a grin because one side of his face tips up, but there's not enough skin on the other side for him to do much of anything. It’s like when you get numbed at the dentist and only half your face works. I grimace behind my fork full of steak, taking another bite to hide it. “And if you're a good girl, I’ll let you upstairs. You can watch TV, read some books, we can play a board game, and you can even sleep in my bed."

He’s lost his mind. Not saying that it's ever really been there to begin with, but anything he might have had, left. Yeah, it’s gone.

“I have a serious question?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.

“And what might that be?”

“At any point in the past, I don't know... four years, have any unusual people paid you any visits?”

“What are you talking about?” He glares at me. “No one knows I live here, so no. No unusual people have come to see me.”

“You sure? No small green men who fly in a spaceship?” Oh, looks like I’ve pissed him off, there's some gross vein in his temple that's throbbing like it's got a life of its own. “Because I’m getting the vibe that you’ve been abducted by aliens or some shit, because that's the only reason that I can think of as to why all this crazy, cockamamie bullshit is spewing from your grossly deformed mouth. And I think one of them is living in your brain.” I say, pointing to the vein.

He roars, standing up abruptly, his chair shooting out behind him. Gripping the table, he flips it, sending the food flying.

“Hey!” I protest in outrage. “I wasn’t done! And that was a waste of a good steak.”

He pulls his gun, cocking it as he levels it at my head.Okay, this might be a good time to stop poking the bear.“One more word from you, little whore, one more fucking word, and I’ll put a bullet between your pretty blue eyes and fuck your dead body for the fun of it."

Don’t do it. Don’t, just don’t.“Is fucking dead bodies the only way you can get laid now a days? Because I’m gonna be honest, you’re not looking as pretty as you used to.” Yup, I did it.Fuck’s sake, Harlow.Queenie, come get me before I get us fucking killed.

He grabs me by the hair, yanking me out of my chair. I stumble as he roughly drags me back the way we came.Guess the dinner party is over.

The basement door is still open, so he wastes no time tossing me down the stairs. I try not to cry out in pain as I stumble down, not being able to catch myself because of the cuffs.

When I hit the bottom, I groan, pain radiating through my limbs. Luckily, I didn’t hit my head, but I’m gonna have some nasty bruising.

He storms down the stairs after me, feet pounding angrily with each step. “You want to act like a big bad girl, then you get punished. I hope you enjoyed that dinner because that's the last you're gonna get for a while until you learn how to treat me with respect.” He stops, grabbing my hair again. A cry slips past my lips, and I hate giving him the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of me, but I can’t help it. Sharp pain fills my scalp, and I feel a chunk of hair come loose as he pulls me towards my prison. My arms and legs scream as they drag across the rough unfinished floors.

Once I’m in my cell, he lets go of me, my body flopping to the ground. When he locks the door behind him, he stands there looking at me with a smug as hell smile. But it starts to fade when I slip into the back of my mind as Queenie takes full control. No one treats us like this and lives.

I start to laugh, full belly, manic laughter. I just laugh and laugh like the crazy bitch I am. He yells at me, calling me all the names in the book, and telling me about all the fucked up and depraved things he’s going to do to me. I just laugh, slipping into a very dark and twisted part of my mind.

This poor fucker, he doesn’t even stand a chance.