Chapter 23


Idon’t care what anyof those party poopers have to say about today, because it was fucking amazing. They are just jealous that they didn’t get to have as much fun as I did. Sure, most of it was against the rules, but what fun is life if you don’t break a few here and there? Life is short, we’re all gonna die someday, might as well enjoy it while you can.

And my enjoyment came in the form of riding a giraffe.A motherfucking giraffe!How many people can say they rode a giraffe? Not many, seeing as how I don’t think they’re meant to be ridden, but the big guy was fine... I hope.

I would have had myself a new monkey buddy if Harlow didn’t make me give him back. I’m still pretty bummed about that. He was so damn cute, and I know him and Mr. Bacon would have gotten along like besties.

Oh well, at least I got Gully out of it. Well, for a short time anyways. He flew away as soon as we got back here, and I almost punched Axel when he laughed about it.Asshole.

We were all exhausted when we got home last night. No one was able to really function, so we all went to bed.

But I hope Harlow didn’t forget that she promised me some alone time with her. We were all too tired last night, but who doesn’t enjoy a little bit of morning sex?

I was so pissed at myself when she told me she thought I loved Queenie more than her. I never want her to think that, ever. I live for that woman, all parts of her. And I hate that she thought I wouldn’t be interested if it wasn’t all blood, sex, and murder. Because even though the thought of that makes my cock hard as fucking stone, it’s notallI care about.

Sure seeing more of the Harlow I fell in love with all those years ago has been different and took a few weeks to get into the flow of things, but I love it. I love her.

So, to show her just how much I care, I decided to do something a little outside my norm. I went to get her some Starbucks for breakfast and stopped off at the store to get her some snacks and sweets because she’s on her period.

I still think it’s cute she thought that we couldn’t have sex because it’s that time of the month. Have I ever had sex with a woman while she had her period? No, but it’s not a deal breaker or something that would turn me off. There are towels and showers for a reason.

We all let Harlow sleep in this morning. Well, more like I threatened to stab anyone who tried to wake her up and ruin my surprise.

With coffee and snacks in hand, I make my way into her bedroom. I smile as I see her still asleep in bed. I have to be careful because she went to bed alone, so she won't be expecting anyone around her when she wakes up. Making some noise to let her know I’m in the room, I set everything down on the table.

“What time is it?” her sleepy voice asks. Looking over to her, I smirk as I take in her bed head. She’s still a fucking super model with no makeup, in her pajamas, and with her hair looking like she was fucked into the next universe.

“Eleven in the morning.” I chuckle as her eyes fly open.

“Who let me sleep in this long?” she mumbles.


She narrows her eyes at me with a small smile. “Why?” That’s when her eyes flick to her dresser where I placed everything down. “Is that for me?” she asks, her face lighting up.

“Yes,” I laugh. “Anything and everything for My Queen.”

“You're too good to me, Neo,” she says.

“Never. You deserve the world and all the orgasms I can give you. And I intend to give you both,” I say, giving her a smile that screams trouble. She gives me a heated look back and pulls the covers off to stand. Looking down at herself, she lets out a curse. “What's wrong?” I ask, stepping closer to her.

“I bled through my fucking pad,” she mutters, letting out a frustrated sigh. I look down and see the sheets soaked in blood. “Sorry to ruin this morning. I’ll enjoy what you brought after I shower and get cleaned up.” She stands up and starts to strip the bed, but there's no way I’m gonna just stand here and watch her clean up by herself. So I stride over to her and scoop her into my arms.

“What are you doing?” she asks with amusement, lacing her tone.

“A king is supposed to care for his queen, is he not?” I ask, lifting a brow in question. She says nothing and lets me carry her to the bathroom. I set her on her feet in front of the toilet. “Pee,” I instruct her, pulling down her sleep shorts.

“Neo!” she gasps.

“Sit,” I tell her, looking up at her from my kneeling position at her feet. She curses my name but does what I ask of her anyways.

“This is fucking ridiculous. I can do this myself, you know.”

“I know,” I respond, pulling the soiled clothes off her feet. “But I want to care for you. I quite enjoy it, actually.”

Again, she says nothing and lets me fuss over her. She pees while I toss the clothes into the sink and gather everything she will need after her shower. I grab a tampon from under the bathroom sink and a change of clothes from her room, setting them on the counter before grabbing two fresh towels and putting them on the hooks next to the shower. I turn on the water, making sure it's nice and hot, just the way she likes it.