“Riding a fucking giraffe,” I say, letting out a laugh of surprise.

“Fucking crazy bastard,” Axel curses.

We just stand there and watch as the workers chase after Neo as they take off through the enclosure. Left and right, they dodge the workers as Neo has the time of his life. I should have known there was no way this trip would have been anything but chaotic.

A worker runs over to me, huffing and puffing. “Aren't you gonna stop him?”

“Do people not ride giraffes or something?” I ask, not wanting to stop Neo from living his best life. The guy looks like he’s having the time of his life.

“NO!” she shouts.

“Ugh, fine. You don’t have to be so dramatic.” I huff. Then I jog over as close as I can get. “NEO!” I shout, and his head snaps up, his smile slipping from his lips. He makes an‘oh shit’face. Then the nut fucking jumps off, tucking and rolling onto the dirt, leaving the giraffe to take off running. He sprints over to me, high on adrenaline.

“That was fucking amazing!”

“We need to go before they call the cops,” I growl, grabbing him by the ear and pulling him out of the enclosure. He whines the whole way out.

“You really had to go and ruin the rest of the day didn’t you?” Axel hisses.

“No, he didn’t. You’re gonna take Sam and Rosie in there to see the other giraffes on the other side of the enclosure. Take some photos, see what you need to see, and I’m taking this one out to the car.”

“Oh man,” Neo grumbles. “I didn’t even get to really see them.”

“No, you fucking rode one!” Axel shouts.

“You’re just jelly.” Neo shrugs with a smirk. Axel looks like he’s three seconds from murdering his cousin.

“Come on,” I tell Neo, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the zoo exit.

When we get to the parking lot, it’s a lot more packed than before. Grabbing my phone, I send Axel a text letting him know. The other side of the zoo is buzzing with life, telling me it's a good time to go home.

“Gully!” Neo shouts, taking off towards our car and I follow.

“Who?” I ask when we stop next to the convertible.

“Gully, my seagull buddy,” Neo says, pointing to the bird sitting on the hood of my car. He lets out a squawk, flapping his wings before flying over and landing on Neo’s shoulder. There really is a seagull. “He loves me,” Neo says, petting the fucking thing and not getting bit.

“I can see,” I say with a laugh.

“He’s mine now.”

“Neo,” I sigh.

“Come on, please! I’ll keep him outside.”

“Fine,” I sigh again. “If he follows us home, he can stay.”

“Fuck yes!” He whoops.


We sit in the car waiting for the others. Neo sits up front with me, talking to the bird about his day and all the things he missed.

When the others get out, Axel, Sam, and Evie get into the back of my car and a sleepy Rosie goes with Cass and Dean.

The whole ride home that damn bird sits in Neo’s lap. He could have flown away at any time, but he didn’t. Looks like Neo has a pet seagull now.