Is he serious right now?“I mean I know you love blood, hell, so do I... but this? Really?”

“The idea of my cock soaked in your blood,” he groans, and it’s so different from any other sound he’s made before. “It has me wanting to pump you full of my cum, babe.”

I’ve never had sex on my period before. It’s not something Triver’s men liked. So when it was my time of the month, they used... other holes.

“I’ve... I’ve never done it before,” I admit, not turned off by the idea.

His eyes flash with excitement. “Can I be your first?” he purrs, running the tip of his nose up my jaw, making my skin pebble and my pussy throb.

“Are you sure?” I ask.

“We can do it in the shower if it will make you feel more comfortable about doing it. But baby, don’t think sex on your period would ever turn me off.”

“Hey!” Axel shouts, interrupting us. I let out a frustrated groan and look over to see everyone watching us. “There’s a child here.”

Rosie is watching us with a scrunched up nose. “Ewww. No kissing!”

At least that's all she saw, I hope. Neo growls and puts my feet back on the ground. “Later?” he asks, his eyes filled with want.

“Later.” I nod, biting my lip. His eyes light up, and he lifts me over his shoulder, slapping my ass.

“To the elephants!” he cheers.

ROSIE LOOKED SO SMALLnext to Ellen the elephant. I got tons of photos as Rosie was overcome with awe of the lovely old lady. But what had me turning into a puddle of goo was when Ellen used her trunk to pick a patch of wild flowers next to her and handed them to Sam. Sam was so shocked, but the smile that slipped across his face had me tearing up.

We sat and listened to the instructor explain to us everything she knew about Ellen and where she came from. But Sam just stood there, talking to Ellen as he pet her nose. And I swear she listened to every word he said.

“That was...” Sam breathes out a breath as he looks up at me with a face filled with pure happiness. “Amazing.”

“It really was,” I tell him, hugging his arm as I lean my head against his shoulder.

“I’m kind of sad that it’s almost time to leave,” he says, a hint of gloom to his voice.

“We can come back again,” I tell him. “I’m sure Ellen would love that.”

“I would. But next time, I want to be able to come here with everyone else. I don’t want you to have to rent out every place we go to,” he says, biting his lip like he’s ashamed.

“Hey,” I say, pulling him to a stop right outside the Urban Jungle where we’re going to see the giraffes, but the others keep walking. “You’re gonna get there,” I encourage, cupping his face in my hands. “I know you will.”

“I want to get better, to be better for you. For Axel. I don’t want to be this broken boy. Before I didn’t care. But now, I just want to be able to be with the two people I love the most in this world without freaking out. I want to make love to you Harlow, to Axel. But I’m afraid that if we try, I’ll freak out and ruin everything,” he says, with so much pain lacing his voice that it crushes my heart in a vice grip.

“If you ever want to try, we can. We can take it slow and stop the moment it’s too much for you. It’s whenever you’re ready. We will wait forever if we have to.” I squeeze him tightly, loving the feeling of his newly formed muscles holding me back.

He’s been working out with Axel a lot, and I’ve seen his health improve as well. I’ve also sat in on a few of those workouts and enjoyed myself watching some sweaty grunting men.

“Thank you both for being so amazing.”

“Someone get that man out of there!” someone shouts from behind me. I turn around to see the others standing by the entrance to the giraffe area. They’re looking around, trying to see what’s going on, and where the commotion is coming from. But then I notice one person who isn’t there.

“Neo,” I hiss to myself, taking off running towards the direction of the screaming.

“What’s going on?” Axel asks, running after me.

I say nothing, and skid to a stop.

“Yippie-ki-yay!” Neo screams as he waves his safari hat in the air. “Get along little doggie.”

“Is he...” Axel asks, gaping at the sight before us.