We just spent the past hour seeing all of the smaller animals and reptiles. I loved watching the childlike wonder on Rosie and Sam’s faces as they learned about each animal and even got to pet or hold a few. Some they wouldn’t normally let visitors interact with up close and personal, but well, who's gonna tell me no?

“Maybe cotton candy was not the best thing for her to eat right before lunch.” I laugh as I watch my little girl vibrate like crazy. “But at least she won't complain about getting tired.”

“Yeah, until she finally crashes, and we have to carry her.” Cass smirks down at me.

“Oh no, my big strong man’s gotta carry a five-year-old, whatever will we do?” I clutch my chest letting out a fake gasp of horror before my lips curl into a grin.

“My brother is right, you really are a brat,” Cass growls, taking a step toward me.

“You are not taking him home!” Axel snaps from behind me, interrupting the heated stare down Cass and I were having. That might be a good thing because I don’t think it would be appreciated if we started having sex in the middle of the zoo.

“You're not my mother,” Neo scoffs. “You can’t tell me what to do.”

“No? But she can,” Axel says, pointing at me. I let out an exhausted sigh. These two have been at it all morning.

“What now?” I ask.

“Tell this fucking lunatic he can’t keep the seagull!” Axel shouts.

With a raised brow I look at him, then at Neo, but I don’t see anything. “What seagull?”

Axel looks around, then up to the sky. “He was here a second ago.”

“Your ugly face probably scared him away,” Neo laughs.

“Fuck you,” Axel snaps.

“Bad word!” Rosie hollers from the picnic table that she's dancing on. Sam and Evie look at me with sympathy.

“Enough!” I yell, causing the two guys to snap their attention over to me. “I swear it’s like dealing with children sometimes when it comes to the two of you.”

“He’s the biggest child here,” Axel says, throwing his arm out in Neo’s direction.

“Would a child stab you in the dick?” Neo asks, giving him a smug grin as he looks Axel up and down.

“What's a dick?” Rosie asks. Cass chokes on the mouthful of water he was about to swallow.

“It’s...” Cass looks to me for help.Poor guy.I wonder how he would have handled the period talk if I didn’t come into Rosie’s life. I know the incubator wouldn’t have done fuck all.

Leaving the two buffoons to squabble, I go over to Rosie. “You know that me, you, and Auntie E have vaginas, right?”

“Yeah,” Rosie nods.

“Well, we pee from those, and boys, well, they pee from a penis. And another word for penis is dick.”

“Oh,” Rosie says, then looks at her dad and uncles. “You have dicks?”

“Yes.” I try to smother a laugh as Cass groans and Neo cackles like a witch, not helping at all. “But that's a naughty word for penis.”

She gasps. “Oh no! I don’t want to say bad words.”

“It’s okay, baby, you didn’t know.” I tell her.

“Mama?” Rosie asks, jumping into my arms as I hold them out for her.

“What sweetheart?”

“What's a cock?”