“Cass has taken Rosie for her birthday, but I was always too wrapped up in work to ever go.”

“No work today, for anyone.” I point that last part at Evie who looks over at me with a blush. “Don’t think I didn’t see that laptop last night.”

She looks a little guilty, but I don’t bug her about it anymore. She’s been fucking amazing when it comes to keeping tabs on the drugs.

There's been talk on the street of Jose disappearing, and I am the number one suspect. But Miller has put word out that Jose could have been taken in by police custody. The others won't try and see if it’s true, but will most likely send one of their men to do it.

They really are fucking stupid for staying in my city after some of their men and one of their leaders went missing. Fucking pride I tell you, it’s only going to get them killed.

“Let’s go,” Neo mutters as he comes back inside, looking like someone took a shit in his cornflakes. Rosie skips inside and over to her dad.

“No frowns,” I tell him, pulling him to me. “It’s going to be a fun day. Think of all the cool animals we will get to see.”

That has his lips turning into a smile. “You think I could ride one? Like the elephant?”

“No!” Dean, Axel, and Cass all shout at the same time making Neo pout. I know this man, and if they think that’s going to keep him from doing what he wants, they have another thing coming.

We finally leave the house, splitting up into two different cars. Sam, Evie, and Neo came with me and Cass took Dean, Axel, and Rosie.

“Ready?” I ask, looking over at Sam in his spot next to me in the passenger's seat with a big grin on my face.

He gives a blinding smile that melts my cold heart and grabs my hand, giving it a squeeze before kissing the back of it. “I can’t wait.”

THE DRIVE FELT LIKEit went by fast. I took my convertible and had the top down the whole time. We sang songs and laughed as our hair blew in the breeze.

As we pull up to the parking lot to the zoo,Barbie Girlby Aqua is blasting from the speakers. We're all singing along, but Neo loves to be the star of the show. When he started doing both the guys and girls voices, I snorted, and almost choked out the mouthful of coffee I had.

The guys pull up next to us in the massive, practically empty lot. “Next time, I’m coming with you,” Axel grumbles as he gets out of the car, slamming the door behind him.

“Why?” I laugh, coming around to Sam’s side. Axel opens his car door, and Sam gets out, going to Axel and giving him a hug. Axel’s mood seems to shift at Sam’s contact. His face softens as he wraps his meaty arms around Sam and gives him a little squeeze, and a kiss to the top of his head. Sam looks up at Axel with a shy smile and puckers his lips for a kiss. Axel grins down at him before giving our man what he wants.

I’m amazed by how much progress Sam has made since we’ve all expressed our feelings. First, it started out as little touches, then hand holding, hugs, and now cuddles, and kisses. He told us to stop asking if we can touch him when it comes to hugs and kisses. That he always knows what we're offering him, but he also understands why we're doing it.

We never want to push him or think we will take what we want without considering his feelings.

So when he does things like this, it makes us happy and gives us hope for more growth in the future.

When we had our blanket fort date night, I heard Sam and Evie talking at some point. I feel bad for listening in on their conversation, but I was half asleep at the time.

Sam said he was a virgin, that he’s never willingly had sex with anyone. It broke my heart because I know how that feels. Cass was my first, and he made it one of the best experiences of my life. Sam said he wanted that with Axel and I. That he hates feeling the way he does. I could hear him holding back tears because he wants to be with us, and not be triggered when he is.

But I’ll wait for however long it takes for him to be ready, even if that day never comes. It doesn’t matter to me. And I know Axel feels the same way.

“Because there’s only so much fucking opera I can take. Why can’t he just listen to normal music?” he says, glaring at Dean who makes his way over to us with Cass and Rosie behind him.

“That lady's voice hurt my ears,” Rosie says, scowling up at Dean.

“You guys have no taste,” Dean huffs.

“I’d rather listen to daddy's old people music,” Rosie responds.

“Hell, I’d rather listen to the wholeEncantoandFrozenmovie soundtracks on repeat than Dean’s crap.”

“Alright. I get it,” Dean growls. “Let’s move on.”

“To the Zoo!” Rosie shouts and starts running. We all laugh. I turn to Sam and hold out my hand. With a big grin on his face he laces his fingers with mine, and we take off running towards the front entrance.

“ITOLD YOU THAT WAStoo much sugar,” Cass says as we stop into Jungle Java for a snack.