“If you want to eat the meal I made, shut up and put your hands through the bars. I’m cuffing you so that you don’t try anything when I take you out of this cell.” Dude is a fucking joke if he thinks being cuffed will keep me from knocking him on his ass and using the chain to choke him out.

“Wait, you're taking me out of my little prison cell?” I ask, partly faking my excitement.

“Yes, we're gonna try something new. Seeing how this is your home now, I don’t want you to be locked up down here forever. If we’re going to be together, I'd like us to be able to function like a normal couple.”Wow, what kind of crazy juice is he sipping?

“We're going on an adventure! Why didn’t you say so, silly goose?” I ask playfully.

I don’t see it, but I can hear the flick of a safety from a gun click. “Do it, or I fucking shoot you.”

“You wouldn’t shoot me, you loooooove me,” I tease, knowing I’m playing with fire when there's a guy aiming a gun at me, but hey, this is me we’re talking about.

He fires the gun, hitting the mattresses behind me. “Wanna try me? I can still fuck you if you’re missing a foot.”

“Fucking crazy shithead,” I mutter, putting my arms through the bars. “Better not have fucked up my bed.” He says nothing, putting the cuffs on me. I hiss as they pinch my skin with how tight he makes them.Asshole.

“Back up,” he orders. I roll my eyes, taking a few steps back. He takes his keys out and unlocks the door. “Move,” he demands. I can see the outline of his gun. Huffing, I walk out of the cell.

“You know, you seem to have a lot of faith in the fact that I won’t try to escape,” I point out as he pushes me towards the stairs.

“I know you won't, because I have people who are instructed to put bullets in every one of your loved ones' heads if I don’t check in every hour. Is that something you wanna risk?”

“I fucking hate you,” I hiss. Him threatening Evie, my guys, and my daughter sets a fire under me that's pure bloodlust.

“You think that now, but it won't be long before you love me, just as much as I’ve always loved you.” How the hell was this man able to run a billion dollar, underground, sex trafficking ring and sex club, when he needed to be locked up in the loony bin?

The whole time we walk up the stairs, I come up with a solid ten ways to kill him with a spoon alone.

When we get to the top of the steps, he opens the door and I’m met with a delicious smell that has my belly growling with hunger. Fuck, it’s been way too long since I’ve had good food.

I look around, glancing at my surroundings, taking in every inch of this place for a better advantage. “Move,” he says again, directing me down a hall that leads to a dining room. There's a table in the middle, with two plates set at each end. “Sit,” he says, pulling out a chair and shoving me to collapse on it.

I don’t even care because there’s a fucking steak sitting in front of me, looking all juicy and shit. Mashed potatoes and gravy sit beside it. “Fuck me,” I groan.

He moves to the other end of the table, and I hear him pull his chair out before sitting down, but I don’t look up. Not wasting any time, I dig into the potatoes. “So fucking good!” I moan around the creamy goodness.Could this be poisoned?Sure, but is it a risk I’m willing to take?

Stupid?Yes, but if he wanted to drug me, he would have by now, right? I mean, I know he's been trying to kill me with the shitty food he’s been giving me.I’m in between a rock and a hard place, okay?It’s taking the risk with this food, or starving to death, because what he’s been feeding me is barely enough to keep me alive.

I’ve been feeling my health slip. It’s never enough food, and it's not enough to keep my strength up. It’s why I eat it, because it's trash or nothing, and I need the best chance at being strong to get out of here. This is real food, and if it takes the hunger pains away for a night, it's worth it.

“So, what's the special occasion?” I say, cutting off a piece of the steak. I move the fork to my mouth, ready to take a bite when I finally look up at Triver. The fork freezes mid-air, hovering in front of my mouth as my eyes widen in horror, and my mouth gapes like one of those shocked cartoons.

“Holy shit,” I breathe. “Dude, what the fuck is up with your face?” I ask, my eyes taking in the gruesome sight before me. “It’s like the Terminator had sex with Freddy Krueger and they had you.”

I’m openly staring at him right now as I take in his horribly mangled face.

“What do you expect!” he roars, slamming his fists down on the table, making me jump a little. “You riddled me with fucking bullets, then left me there to burn!”

“Well, I mean you did kidnap me, then raped me, before renting me out to your buddies to be raped all day, every day. Did you really think I would’ve brought you with me?” I snort, shaking my head. “I’m just pissed you didn’t slowly burn to death.” I take that bite of steak, glaring at him as I chew. I try to focus on his eyes because looking at his melted face gives me the heebie jeebies. I’ve seen a ton of fucked up things in my line of work, but his face is actually turning my stomach. Good thing my hunger for this orgasm in meat form gives it other ideas.

“I would have. But thankfully, I knew a way out,” he sneers.

“Howdidyou get out?” I ask, taking another bite. “Evie looked over the blueprints over a hundred times. There was only one way in and out.”

He snorts a laugh. “Do you really think I’d have blueprints with my escape route?” He shakes his head. “Only the contractors and I knew about the escape hatch that led to a tunnel and to the street above.”

“And let me guess, you killed them so that only you had that information?” I ask around a mouthful, cocking a brow.

“You're smarter than you look,” he chuckles.