Chapter 21


“Evie!” Harlow screamsmy name from somewhere in the house. Blinking, I look up from the computer, my eyes adjusting to the bedside lamp that I have on.

“Does that sound like an I’m-angry-scream or just-wanting-your-attention-scream?” Sam asks, putting his book down. He’s hanging out with me in my room while the others are out.

The guys are working late at the office and Harlow had something to do at the club, but it’s a Monday. Even though the club is open seven days a week, Harlow and I only work Thursdays to Sundays. Otherwise, we only go in if needed.

“I don’t know, but if she finds me with my laptop, it’s gonna be an angry one,” I mutter, closing it and placing it on the bedside table. Harlow gets worried if I work too much, so I promised her I’d leave work stuff for when I’m at the office unless it’s urgent.

“There you are,” Harlow says as she walks into my room, her long black hair flowing behind her as she moves. She stops and smiles at me brightly, making my belly flip. She’s so beautiful. I love her so damn much. “Sam, you're here too.”

“I am,” Sam says with a chuckle. Harlow’s smile grows into something more mischievous.

“What’s that smile for?” I ask, a grin finding its way onto my own lips.

She says nothing, running towards the bed and throwing her body onto it, making Sam and I squeal.

“Wanna hang out?” she asks as she settles herself between us.

“Who?” Sam asks, lifting his gaze to mine.

“Both of you, duh. The guys are off doing... Well, I really don’t care. Rosie is sleeping and that leaves us. I left work early and well, I have a surprise.” She looks at me, wiggling her eyebrows. “And I wanna share it with my girl,” she says, taking my hand in hers, then looks at Sam. “And my guy,” she finishes, smiling sweetly at him. And the look on his face... I’ve never seen him so happy.

The girls at the club know that Harlow is with all of us, and when they heard Harlow mention she was with Sam now too, a few of them asked me if I was okay with it. That my girlfriend was seeing so many people.

What I told them was‘watch what you say because you don’t wanna piss off the Queen’. She gets very defensive when people question any of her choices.

And I was fine with it because Harlow spent her whole life in pain. People using and abusing her so much to the point she hardly had her humanity intact when she finally got her freedom back. She herself told me before that if it wasn’t for me keeping her tethered to reality, she would have let Queenie take over for good.

So if being with the guys and Sam is something she wants, then I want that for her. Because it means she's loving, she's showing emotion and feeling things that she had closed herself off to a long time ago.

All I want is her. I don’t care who else she has as long as I’m one of them.

Finding out she loved Sam too wasn’t a surprise. I saw how they were with each other. Sam brings that softer side out of her. She can’t be hard, loud, or dominating when it comes to him, revealing a whole new Harlow.

The guys mentioned that it is much more like the Harlow they knew as teenagers.

“And what's the surprise?” I ask. She rolls her eyes, getting up on her knees and turning around.

“It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, silly.” She gets off the bed and holds out her hands. “Come.”

Sam and I look at each other, a child-like smile taking over both our lips. We both shove off the blanket and scramble to get off the bed, rushing to take a hold of Harlow’s hands.

She laughs as we lace our fingers with hers. She starts to tug us out of the room, leading us down the hall, stopping outside the living room.

“Okay, close your eyes,” she tells us, excitement vibrating off her. I love seeing her so happy and relaxed like this.

I close my eyes as she leads us around the corner and into the living room.

“Now open.”

I suck in a gasp as I open my eyes, taking in the room. The living room has been transformed into a place out of my childhood dreams. Blankets draped over the couches being helped up with chairs. “And look!” she says, pulling back a blanket to show the inside. With shaky legs and blurry eyes, I go over and see inside. Blankets make up a bed on the floor, fairy lights hanging on the sides, and an assortment of snacks sit in front of a mini flat screen TV at the other side of the fort.

“You remembered.” I practically sob as I look up at her beautiful blue eyes.

“This is so cool,” Sam breathes as he takes it all in, his inner child falling in love. “But what do you mean she remembered?” he asks me, looking between me and Harlow.