“We took him for a little ride,” Dean says, slamming the car door behind him and joining us in the back.

“Is he naked?” Tommy asks, peering over my shoulder as we all look down at Jose, twisted up like a pretzel.

“Yeah. We caught him while he was having sex,” Dean says, looking at the guy with repulsion.

“Actually, we caught him just as he was cumming. It was like a fucking water gun just shooting out all over the place.” I laugh, remembering how it just kept going. What a time to cum.

“You couldn’t just let the guy finish?” Lucas asks.

“Ah, no,” I say, turning to face him. “I could not just let him finish raping that girl.”

“Oh. Well, shit.” Lucas looks down at him. “Looks like he’s getting theextraspecial treatment.” He looks over to Matt standing nearby, waiting. “Grab a blanket or something, I don’t want to touch him,” Lucas says, a shiver visibly taking over his body.

“You boys have this?” I ask.

“You know we do,” Tommy says.

I nod. then look at Axel. “Go home, hang out with Sam. Tell him Harlow loves him, and she’ll be back later.”

“What are you going to do?” he asks.

“Really?” I ask, raising a brow.Was I gone so long that they forgot how I work?

“Right,” Axel says, looking at Dean. “Lucky bastard.”

“Oh, don’t be jelly. We’ll have our fun time soon,” I tell him, biting my lip as I look him over. The streetlight shines enough light that I can make out his features. I just wanna climb that body, grab a hold of those long locks, and ride him into the sunset.

“I look forward to it,” he growls. I step up to him, wrap my hand around his shirt, and pull him down to me. Our mouths crash together in a hungry kiss before I pull back, leaving both of us breathing hard.

“Off you go,” I tell him. When he turns around, I make sure to slap that tight ass of his. He looks at me over his shoulder with a glare, but the lust in his eyes tells me he’s not mad about it.

“Can you guys get one of the girls to get Misty set up in the hotel across the street? Keep a guy on watch from the ground until tomorrow, just to be safe, please.”

“Of course,” Tommy says. I nod my head and turn to Dean.

“Follow me,” I tell him, grabbing his tie and pulling it as a leash. We make our way through the club, the music blasting, and the girls doing their thing on stage.

Looking over, I see Roxy watching with a smirk. “Don’t wait up Rox.” I wink.

“Have fun you two.”

“Always do,” I call back with a laugh.

Dean follows along like a good boy. I can feel his eyes on me, making my body heat. He’s not like Neo, so I can’t do whatever my heart desires, but I’m excited for him to hand his control over to me.

What he said to Harlow earlier, it pissed me off. I hate that he feels he has nothing to offer this family. He’s just as important as the others. I know I was the one mostly in control whenever we did anything intimate, and I know Neo was my go-to, but it’s how it had to be until I could trust them. And it wasn’t easy to let them in when my first instinct was to stab. Hell, I shot Dean for breaking my rule. We weren’t together, so he didn’t cheat on me. That’s not what prompted me to punish him. After learning why he did what he did, I understood him more. Did I like it? No, but I understood it.

That's why I think taking him down to my dungeon and having some fun with him will do him some good. It’ll relieve some of the stress of the things he can’t control or change.

“Where are you taking me, my dark Queen?” Dean asks me as we pass my office, stepping closer so that he causes me to stagger a bit. He grabs my hips, pulling them back so that my ass grinds against his hard cock.

“I wanna play,” I purr. “Do you?”

His lips brush against my shoulder before he leaves a slow, open mouth kiss on my neck. “Always.” His voice is smooth as whiskey, and his breath is hot against my skin which sends a shiver down my spine, making my pussy throb with need.

Stepping away from him, I lead him to the door that goes to my showroom. We walk in silence down the stairs, the sexual tension thick in the air.

My body hums with the anticipation of having him. I’ve been let out to play, and I’ve had my fun, but this is the first time I’ve gotten any sexual pleasure in a while. I need it, crave it. And I want it from him. But I also want his pleasure, his lust, and his cum.