Chapter 20


Ilike it when theyput up a fight. I love it even more when they get mouthy. It’s more fun to fuck with them. But do you know what’s not fun? Having to drag a big, naked man out of a hotel without drawing the attention of his men.

But it looks like that’s the route we’re taking because Jose does a dumb-fuck move by ignoring the fact that I have a gun pointed at his head and dives for the gun on the bed side table.

Dean sees the movement, but knowing I don’t want the guy dead, he doesn’t pull his gun out to shoot him. Instead, he grabs the lamp off the desk next to him and runs over, bashing it upside Jose’s head. Jose lets out a pained grunt before falling face first down onto the bed.

“Really?” I grumble, looking at Dean who has the lamp mid air.

“What?” he exasperates. “He was gonna try and shoot you. Did you want me to shoot him and have ten men come running in here?”

“No, but look at him,” I snap, waving my hand to his naked ass sticking up in the air. “Now we have to bring him back to the car like that because we already have spent too much time in here, and if we try to put some clothes on his ugly fucker, we risk one of his men stepping in.”

“Fuck,” he sighs, looking at Jose and grimacing.

“Yeah, well let's get on with the show. Grab his legs, I’ll get his arms,” I tell him, putting my gun back in its holster.

“What? No, I don’t want to get anywhere near his ass or his dick,” Dean says, looking at me with horror in his eyes.

I stop next to the bed and look at Dean with a raised brow. “And you think I do? Suck it the fuck up, Daddy Dean. Be a man.”

His jaw ticks as he stares at me like he really wants to argue. But he knows it’s an argument that he can’t win, nor is it one we have time for.

“Fine,” he growls. “But you owe me,” he says, moving to grab Jose by the legs and pulls him to the end of the bed.

“How about I use your cock as my own personal dildo after we lock him up in my basement?” I ask him, giving him my fluttery eyelashes .

His eyes turn molten, and I know I got him hook-line-and-sinker. Giving him a triumphant smirk, I grab Jose by the arms. Dean and I start to move him off the bed, but when I get hit with his full weight I end up dropping him on the floor. His face goes smashing into the ground, but I didn’t let go of his arms, and they bend behind his back at an awkward angle.

“That’s gonna hurt when he wakes up,” Dean says as I get a better grip, and we move him out of the bedroom into the main part of the room.

“Oh, and the gash on the back of his head isn’t?” I ask, then drop his arms. “Fuck, this isn’t gonna work. Throw him over your shoulders and carry him, it’ll be faster.”

“The fuck I will,” Dean growls. “There’s no fucking way in hell that man’s cock is touching me. I’d rather die.”

“Fucking drama queen,” I huff, rolling my eyes. I take a quick look around the room and spot some stuff on the coffee table. There’s some duct tape and rope just chilling in the corner. My lip peels back into a snarl as I think about what he was gonna use that for, most likely, on the girl he was just with.

I go over there and grab the rope, bringing it back over to Dean. “Tie this around his feet.”

“Okay?” he questions but does it anyway. Once the rope is secure around his ankles I go over to the door, opening it and looking out into the hall.

“Come on, it’s clear.”

“What, we’re just gonna drag him?” Dean asks.

“Yup.” I grin at him over my shoulder.

When we get him out into the hall, I grab a hold of the rope with Dean. “Together?” he asks.

“Race you?” I grin. He grins back, and we start taking off down the hallway, dragging a naked Jose behind us.

“Just think of the carpet burn his dick and balls are gonna have,” Dean laughs.

I giggle back before saying, “I think it will be an improvement.” It’s nice to see Dean let loose, his face slipping into a smile I don’t get to see too often.

When we get to the laundry room, we pull him in, and thankfully, all the maids are no longer here. But the girl from before is hiding in the corner.